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"I'm sorry, Mo Thine," Liam replies. His voice carries a weight of exhaustion, a hint of resignation. "I just... needed to hear your voice."

I let my body sag, sliding down until I'm sitting on the floor, the rough floorboards pressing against my backside. "It's good to hear from you too," I respond sincerely. Despite everything, there's a part of me that will always hold a special place for him, tucked away in the corners of my soul.

Silence stretches between us, and I wait for Liam to say something more. When he doesn't, I break the quiet. "So, how are things? How's the family?" I ask, unable to resist. Maybe I'm a bit of a masochist, but as Chrissy Amphlett from the Divinyls sang, there's a fine line between pleasure and pain. "And how's the... queen bee?"

A soft chuckle filters through the line from Liam. "She's a handful, as always," he replies, his voice tinged with amusement.

Ah, his accent. "And you?" I ask, my gaze drifting to the windows, the morning sunlight streaming through, warming my face. Damir will be here shortly.

"There are days when I wake up, and I just..." Liam pauses, exhaling heavily, his deep breaths audible through the phone. "I just want to be someone else."

"I know the feeling," I say, though my voice carries a light note.

"I'm serious. I never asked for this... responsibility." Liam's voice is almost a whisper as he utters the last word.

My fingers start tapping, and my right leg begins to bounce. "Can't you say no?"

Liam sighs. "There's no one else who can fill the role."

"You're telling me there aren't other wolves at the Ranch who could lead? Liam, I call bullshit," I retort, my sarcasm unmasked.

"You don't understand. Not just anyone can be Alpha of the Mac Tíre Dubh," Liam responds, frustration evident in his voice, followed by a thud in the background as if he's kicked something.

I recall our conversation with Siobhan back at the Ranch about Ava's father and Patrick in the line for Alpha after Griffin's father died. Ava's bloodline was powerful. "It's about the bloodlines, isn't it?"

"Yes," Liam exhales.

"And a Brady, Hughes, and O'Connel, carry the bloodline?" I hear Liam murmur in agreement. "Are there any other families that hold the same power?"

"Mo Thine, I didn't call you for a family tree discussion," Liam grits out.

"Well then, I'll just let your brooding ass go if you aren't interested in talking," I snap back, feeling a stab of pain in my gut at the thought of ending the call.

"Please, just, can we talk about other things, Erin?" I can hear the pleading in his voice.

"Like what, Liam?" Despite the pain, I'm still irritated. "Why don't we talk about your upcoming mating to Roisin?"

"Mo Thine!" Liam growls, and tears sting my eyes. Even the mere thought of them together makes me want to throw up.

"I've got to go," I tell him, knowing there's no point in drawing this out. "It's obvious, Liam, that neither of us is happy with our situation. But talking doesn't help. We need to forget each other and move on with our lives."

"I've tried to forget you, but you're there when I close my eyes. You're my last thought and my first," his voice breaks, and my heart cracks even more.

"We've got to find a way to stop this, Liam. It's not good for either of us," I murmur, even though my insides are screaming at me to say otherwise.

He remains silent for a while, with only the sounds of his breathing coming through the line. "I know," Liam sighs, taking another deep breath, weariness evident in his tone. "But hearing your voice is the only thing that calms him." Then, on a strained note, he adds, "It's tearing us in two."

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