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His voice startles me, nearly causing me to drop my phone. Water splashes over the edge of the tub as my body jerks in surprise. "Liam?"

More heavy breathing, then a growl. "No."

Confused, I blurt out, "Fido?" I wait for the water to settle, straining to hear.

"Mo Thine, need you."

The separation between the wolf and the man is known, but this is new. "Fido, where's Liam?"

"Sleeping," he growls, with a hint of what sounds like a whine. Okay, definitely calling Griffin after this.

"Fido, it's good to hear from you," I say sincerely, feeling a strange tingle hearing the beast behind the man.

"I need you to come home," he demands, his alpha tone commanding.

"Fido, it's not that simple," I explain, sitting up in the bath, clutching the phone.

"Why?" he whines.

How do I explain to a wolf that we can't be together physically? "We're not compatible like that."

"You're mine. My mate," he insists, his tone growing more intense.

What the hell? I hear more growling, followed by grunts and what sounds like a struggle, before the call abruptly ends.

I quickly pull myself out of the tub, wrapping a bathrobe around my body and tying it tightly. With urgency, I dial Ava's number.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up!" I mutter to myself as the phone rings, making my way into the bedroom.

After four rings, she finally answers, her voice breathless with exertion. "It better be important, I swear."

"Put Griffin on," I interrupt, my voice betraying my panic.

I can hear some muffled sounds and movement before my brother's voice comes through. "What is it, Ciara? Is Isla okay?"

"Isla's fine," I assure him, glancing quickly outside to see storm clouds gathering directly above the Manor, rain beginning to fall. Knowing Isla is capable and will manage, I press on, "have you ever experienced your wolf taking control while you were asleep?"

"You know I have, Ciara," Griffin responds, his tone heavy with implications beyond just his time with Ava and his actions at the Ranch, but also referencing his experiences at the facility.

"I mean, has your wolf ever been coherent enough to make a phone call while you were asleep?" I inquire, cutting straight to the point.

"I'll call her now," Ava interjects in the background. She must have put us on speakerphone.

"Who's she calling?"

"Siobhan," Griffin replies, his tone hesitant. "Ciara, is this the first time this has happened?"

Considering the recent events of the past week and the mysterious phone calls, I quickly recounted the other phone call. "And you, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?"

"What do you mean?" I press, sensing urgency in Griffin's tone.

"Dreams, Ciara. Have you had any unusual dreams?" Griffin's inquiry catches me off guard, and my mind immediately flashes to the vivid, erotic dreams featuring Liam.

"Yes, but I fail to see the relevance," I retort, frustration seeping into my voice as I collapse onto the bed, the soft bedding cushioning my fall.

Griffin pauses, then continues, "these dreams, what do you see?"

Suppressing a sigh, I answer candidly. "Typically, it involves Liam going down on me or fucking in general."

Ava's audible snort filters through the line, prompting a small smirk from me. "I mean, do you experience any other imagery, like memories?" Griffin's voice is somber, indicating the gravity of his question.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now