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Isla and I kiss Ava on the cheek when prompted by Patrick, offering our blessings on her union.

I lean back, my body tingling all over. My heart races like a wild animal caged as I sense Liam's presence close behind me. The overwhelming scents of fresh grass and wood, mixed with something decadently rich, flood my senses and make my toes curl.

The air is thick with energy, my mind buzzing.

I wait for him to say something, anything, but he remains silent, his gaze fixed on his father who speaks in some Gaelic tongue. Focus on Ava.

With all my strength, I try to block out the man behind me and refocus on my brother and his—Oh, hell no. Terrible idea. A girl should never have to see that. Fuck! I'll never be able to erase that from my memory. I need mind bleach.

Behind me, I hear Liam snicker, his breath warm on my neck. I'm not a prude, far from it. If he weren't my brother, I'd be all over that. But fuck, I need an internal toothbrush to scrape away that image. Maybe Morgan can help me block that memory.

Not wanting to witness their actions and not wanting to look behind, I turn my focus to Isla, who stands motionless, her expression blank. Shay holds her from behind. Sensing my gaze, Isla meets my eyes and nods slightly, signaling it's time to leave.

When Patrick finally finishes, with only the moans and growls of my BFF and my brother audible, I feel a warm hand on my back and a gentle push. "Time to leave, Mo Thine." Oh, God! His voice sends a thrill through me, moisture seeping into my panties. I close my eyes.

My body shudders, and Liam's hands guide my shoulders, turning me. I keep my eyes closed and let him lead me away.

A few minutes later, I hear Shay chuckle. "Tiger, I never thought I'd see you go weak at the knees after just a little bit..." He ends with a whistle.

My body trembles, and I can't open my eyes. All I can sense is Liam.

It's not until I feel a small hand on my arm that I realize I've been holding my breath. "Come, sister."

My eyes still tightly shut, I let Isla lead me away, my senses clearing a bit more with each step away from the altar.

"It will be okay, sister. The magic is strong," Isla reassures me, stopping suddenly. I slowly open my eyes and glance down to see we're at the place we left our sandals. Isla leans down, guides my feet into the soft leather, and then stands. "Come, Siobhan is waiting for us."

"What about the boys?" I ask, though my thoughts linger on Liam.

"They're going back with Patrick." I nod and let her guide me down the path and into the waiting car.


Arriving at the Ranch, I still feel slightly shaky. Siobhan reassures me that it's just the residual effects of the magic. Not having wolf in my blood, my body reacts almost as if intoxicated by it, and she suggests Isla take me to my old room to rest until Ava and Griffin arrive.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out, plunged into a sleep filled with fevered dreams about Liam, or should I say, Fido.

When I wake, it's dusk. Isla is sitting at the end of my bed, her nimble fingers gently running through my hair. "Hello, sister. How are you feeling?"

I push myself up, wincing at an ache in my lower back, but my head feels clear. "Better," I reply, and her smile reassures me.

"Good, it's time to join the others. Ava and Griffin will be here soon."

"Oh, did they call?" I ask.


"Then how do you—" I stop myself mid-sentence, realizing, "you just know, don't you?" Isla nods, her expression playful.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now