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"I've missed you," I coo, running my hands over Ava's protruding stomach. "How's my little man? Are you driving your Mumma nuts?"

"That's an understatement. I swear, not only is he an Alpha, but he's also a ninja warrior in the making." Just as Ava finishes speaking, I feel a solid kick against my hand and laugh.

"I wouldn't laugh too much. Given your upcoming nuptials, I wouldn't be surprised if you get electrocuted by your future offspring."

I pout and continue to rub her stomach. "How are things going with Alexei?" My hand pauses, and I raise my eyes to meet hers. "Something's changed?"

I blink slowly and realize I'm smiling. "It has."

Ava bites her lip and tucks a loose curl that has escaped her messy bun behind her ear. "I think we need a drink."

"You're pregnant!" I remind her, following closely as she heads into the treehouse kitchen.

"Coffee, bitch! I need my brain to function for this conversation." I watch as Ava pulls out an unopened bag of coffee beans and fires up the grinder.

"I would've thought you'd have these pre-ground?"

Ava rolls her eyes and dumps a large scoop into the grinder. The rich aroma of fresh coffee grinds tickles my nose. "My wolf doesn't know about this stash."

I laugh and watch her prepare three cups. "Griffin still monitoring your caffeine intake?"

"Yes, but he's relented and now allows me two cups a day."

"And how many have you already had?" I know my eyebrow is raised when she grins up at me.


"Seriously? No wonder my nephew is kicking like a pro football player. He must be buzzing in there." I point towards her womb and chuckle.

"I have them at half strength," Ava defends, but she rubs her stomach affectionately. "You know Mumma won't do anything to hurt you."

My expression softens at her words. Caffeine addiction aside, Ava is following all the guidelines for a healthy pregnancy: no soft cheese, no processed meats, and no alcohol. I've never seen her more determined to do the right thing, not just for the child growing inside her, but also for the man who has lost so much.

"You're going to be an amazing mother."

Ava's large brown eyes fill with hope. "You think?"

"I know it, babe. You're going to rock this shit."

Ava gives me a side hug. "Why don't you see if you can get your sister to come out of her room while I finish our drinks?"

"She won't even come out for coffee?"

Ava shakes her head, her eyes clouding with concern. "Nothing's changed. And it frustrates the hell out of me not knowing what she's doing. I know her work is confidential, but whatever it is, it can't be healthy."

I sigh and straighten my spine. "I'll talk to her." Ava gives me a hopeful smile and returns to our drinks.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I don't even bother to knock on her study door and barge in. I freeze when I take in the room. It's an absolute mess. Papers are strewn everywhere, books lie half-open on every available surface. But it's not the room that makes me gasp—it's the waif of a girl hunched over several computer screens.

Isla, already slim, now looks gaunt, practically skeletal. Her skin is tight against her bones, tinged with a slight grey, and her grey eyes are sunken with dark circles beneath them. "What the fuck?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now