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I feel a small hand grip mine, squeezing surprisingly hard. Grimacing, the gesture thankfully pulls me out of my spiraling thoughts. When I look towards Isla, her hand still firmly holding mine, I can see sympathy swirling in her steel-grey eyes.

Amidst the congratulatory comments from the pack, with Liam still refusing to meet my gaze, I return Isla's firm grip on my hand. I know I have no right to be upset. Liam never made any commitments to me. I mean, shit, I'm on the brink of being engaged myself. But still, the ache I feel in what I'd consider my soul suggests otherwise, assuming I even have one.

Liam's father, still standing, speaks again, "In light of my son's upcoming union, I will also be relinquishing my role as Alpha of the Mac Tíre Dubh." A surge of heat churns within me as I swear I catch a glimpse of satisfaction flicker across Caitlín's face while she fusses over her daughter. "It's time for the new generation to assume their rightful positions," he asserts, his gaze filled with pride as he looks down at Liam, "and a strong alpha requires an equally formidable mate by their side to lead."

"Here, here!" Oscar shouts, banging his hand again on the table.

As the room erupts again, most of the comments are positive; however, from the expressions on a few of the pack faces, it's clear that not everyone is pleased with the union.

As the noise begins to settle, Shay stands up, wearing a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Cousin, may I be the first to say, well done. It's good to see family responsibilities and pride coming before what's right."

"Son, that's enough," Sean, Shay's father, growls from his position near Patrick, while others in the room express their disapproval. Eileen, seated next to her husband, places a hand over her heart and shakes her head. But it's the subtle twitch of Siobhan's lips that gives me pause. Does she support Shay's sentiments?

"Can't fault a wolf for speaking the truth. You can all feel it," Shay asserts, directing his gaze at Liam, who remains fixed on his plate.

"Shay!" Griffin's voice interrupts, firm but calm, commanding respect. "Stand down."

"You know I am right," Shay grumbles under his breath but complies, sinking back into his seat. Patrick acknowledges Griffin with a nod, a flicker of appreciation crossing his features, sparking a realization within me.

Griffin should be their Alpha.

Clapping her hands to regain the clan's attention, Siobhan speaks up next, "The food's getting cold. Let's all enjoy Christmas lunch."

"Agreed, my love," Patrick responds, prompting the pack to start loading up their plates.

Feeling a nudge at my side, I lean in so Isla can whisper in my ear. "He's right. He's not hers." I raise my brow, waiting for more, but in typical Isla fashion, she doesn't elaborate and simply starts eating her meal.


Compartmentalizing the announcement, I focus on the food and the company, which is welcoming, at least at our end of the table. I'm grateful that we're surrounded by some of the younger families and even get a chance to hold baby Chloe. Ava practically thrusts Bridget's newborn into my arms, telling me to get some practice.

Surprisingly, holding the tiny angel feels comforting—memories of holding Isla flooding back. Watching Chloe's large blue eyes slowly close as I cradle her to my chest warms something inside of me.

"I see you've got a mother's touch." Bridget smiles, her eyes sparkling as she admires her baby girl. "Chloe's stubborn and doesn't like to nap during the day. But in your arms, she seems quite content."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now