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After wrapping up our plans for their arrival tomorrow night, I finish the call with Ava and Griffin and make my way to the bathroom. As the warm water cascades over me, I let it ease the ache in my heart.

Do I desire Liam? Absolutely. But do I also think he's a jerk? Damn straight. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

Thirty minutes later, I step out of the bathroom and head toward the Master suite to fetch my clothes. The walk-in closet, larger than some city apartments, offers a plethora of designer outfits Alexei has gifted me over the years, most of which remain untouched.

As I search through the neatly organized shelves, I find my packed items hanging beside rows of designer ensembles. It's a relief to locate fresh underwear, jeans, and socks. While many would envy a closet like this, I can't help but wonder if separate shelves for white and black socks are really necessary.

Slipping into my jeans, I fasten a white blouse and throw on a red knit jacket from the closet. With ten minutes until breakfast, I make my way to the Library to find Isla. The room is unusually quiet, but I assume she's already on her way. Descending the stairs, my boots echo against the polished marble floors. As I enter the dining room, I notice only Alexei seated at the table, still dressed in workout clothes. Isla and the others are nowhere to be seen.

"Morning, мой маленький спитфайр. I trust you slept well, even if it wasn't in your bed?" Alexei quirks an eyebrow, setting the paper aside and taking a sip of his coffee.

"I suppose you made a little excursion?" I chuckle, exchanging a smile with Grigor as he brings a cup of chai to the table and places it in front of me.

"I was merely ensuring your comfort," Alexei responds, setting down his coffee. "Is your friend not joining us?"

"I thought she might be here already," I reply, glancing toward the entrance as Bass and Damir arrive, both similarly dressed in sporty attire.

"Why weren't you with us this morning, piccolo fuoco?" Bass asks, slipping into Damir's vacant seat with a grin. "Our angelo seems to have more than one talent." seems to have more than one talent," he remarks, his smile widening as Isla quietly joins us, clad in her usual black attire.

Bass gestures to the seat beside him, winking at Isla. "Who knew you could move like the wind, mia deliziosa? I've saved you a spot so we can discuss your routine."

I glance at Isla, noticing a faint blush on her cheeks, and snort as she takes the seat next to me.

but playing hard to get just makes the chase more interesting," Bass pouts, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Bass, let's keep things respectful with our guests," Alexei interjects, his voice calm but carrying a hint of warning.

"Come now, Alexei, I'm just enjoying her company. Surely even you can appreciate her charms," Bass retorts, his gaze lingering on Isla as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip.

"Seriously, Bass, can you not think with your dick for more than five seconds?" I chide, giving my sister's leg a reassuring pat.

Isla merely shrugs in response, waiting as Grigor pours her a glass of juice.

"Erin," Alexei sighs, and I respond with a playful raspberry.

Thankfully, Damir shifts the conversation to more serious matters, and I lean in closer to Isla. "What happened this morning?" I inquire.

Taking a sip of her juice, Isla turns to face me. "I went for a run."


"The others joined me," Isla replies, her gaze fixed on the trays of eggs, bacon, pastries, and other breakfast items brought into the room by the servers.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now