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I continue to stare at the chessboard, blinking slowly. From the corner of my eye, I see Alexei cross one of his long legs over the other and sighs.

"Tell me about the little wolf?" he prompts.

"What exactly do you want to know?" I reply, grateful that my voice remains steady, even though my emotions are swirling beneath the surface. I have to tread carefully around Alexei.

"I've heard she's been unwell," Alexei continues, running a gloved hand over the pawn that Isla moved. He glances out of the window before fixing his gaze back on me.

Fucking birdies... I wonder what else they've disclosed to him?

I move to the chair opposite him and sink into the soft cushions, buying some time. Chewing on my lip, I lift my head until we're almost at eye level and exhale. It's no surprise to find him staring at me, silent and expectant, waiting for my response.

"Yes," I finally offer.

"And the reason for her illness?" he presses.

I tap my fingers on the arms of my leather chair and bite down on my cheek. The thought of what those men might have done to her still makes my blood boil. Leaving her in heat, alone. I swear I would gut them myself and hang them by their cocks if they were still alive.

"They're are dead, are they not?" Shock courses through me, and I glare at him, my frustration evident on my face.

"Why ask me something you obviously know the answer to?" I snap, my anger mounting at his mind games.

Leaning back into the cushions, Alexei's lips twitch, amusement lighting up his electric eyes. "Ah, your control is slipping," he observes, lowering his gaze to my hands. My nose wrinkles at the smell of singed leather. Fuck, fuckidy, double fuck.

I groan and remove my hand from the sides of the chair, seeing finger-sized scorch marks lining the leather. "Seriously, why do you always have to mess with my head?" I growl, "I mean, why ask something you already know?"

Alexei clicks his tongue at me, his grin widening. "But I didn't know what she means to you, and now I do."

Damn it! He always seems to be several moves ahead.

"You surprise me, Princess; first it was Ava, now it's the Маленький волк. One would think you have a thing for the beasts?" Oh no... Don't even think of his name. Erin, don't you dare!

I bite down harder on my flesh until I taste copper and give him my best blank look. "You know Ava's like family to me, Alexei. I'm just doing her a favor by giving her and her mate some alone time."

"I would say the scorch marks tell me different."

I throw up my hands in frustration and growl, "what do you want me to say? Yes, I like her. I might even go as far as saying that I'm a little protective of her. Is that what you want to hear?"

Looking back at me with a smug grin that I want to wipe off his fucking perfect face, he chuckles, "good. I've already made arrangements for a room to be prepared for her at the Manor."

"Why?" I hesitate, pushing all my energy to keep my voice calm, my insides screaming at what this might mean.

"For our announcement," Alexei replies, humor still evident in his voice. "I've arranged for Damir to collect you both in three days to take you to the Manor. That way, you have time to prepare and get acquainted with your future home."

Relief floods me when he finally gets to the point, and for the first time, I question if bringing Isla back with me was a positive move. Not that she's shown any elemental capabilities, but just knowing that we share the same father would make her a subject of interest to the other elementals who are yet to sire an heir.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now