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"Ava," I manage to muffle, my voice pressed into an impressive wall of muscle. Strong arms hold me tight, pulling me closer as the towering man shoves his face into my hair, sniffing me. Weird AF, his nose in my hair, smelling me. Help!

"Griffin," Ava's calm and soothing voice floats over. "Baby, you might want to release your hold on Erin. You're smothering her."

"Ciara," the mountain, no, Griffin, grumbles into my hair, deeply inhaling. So not cool.

I attempt to wriggle out, but his arms tighten, keeping me in place. I silently plead to Ava for help, relaxing into his hold. Surprisingly, it feels protective, not intimate. A positive sign.

"Not Erin. She's Ciara. Sister," his voice drops to a growl.

Hold UP! Who the F***?

"Griffin, baby, either way, you're making her uncomfortable. Release her, and let's sit and talk," Ava tries again, only prompting another growl.

"My sister. Can't let her go, can't lose her again," Griffin's voice deepens, raising the hairs on my arms. I try to shift away from his flannelette shirt tickling my nose. I can hardly breathe.

"Brother," Isla intercedes from her seat at the kitchen table. The tone she projects is gentle, but I can feel the subtle command. "I know you can't, but you're scaring her. Let. Her. Go." Griffin shudders, then loosens his hold, allowing me to step back.

I breathe in the fresh air, appreciating the way it invades my lungs, and pat his shirt gently. "It's okay, big guy, I'm not going anywhere," I reassure before moving to stand next to Isla. Thy little pocket rocket be thy hero!

I take the opportunity with the distance between us to examine the mountain—Griffin. He's massive, easily 6F4 or taller, towering over my 5F6 in flats.

The only way to describe him, without a joke, is panty-dropping handsome. He's incredibly handsome, with long dark brown hair tied in a bun, a matching beard, and the clearest blue eyes.

Turning to Ava, I joke, "I assume this is The Wolf?" trying to lighten the mood. Nodding, she walks toward him, but his eyes follow me as if expecting me to bolt. He stands like a predator, ready to pounce.

"Griffin," Ava exhales as she approaches, her fingers resting on his heart. He pulls her in for a kiss. They're like characters from an erotic novel. Tall, dark, handsome, beastly hero. Tick! Gorgeous, kind heroine. Double tick! 50 Shades of fur, eat your heart out.

Tapping my nails on the table, I look at Isla, her gaze fixed on Griffin, a wistful expression on her face. "So, ah, who is this Ciara person, and why does your brother think I'm her?"

"Show her, Isla," Griffin instructs, breaking his kiss with Ava, his eyes flashing yellow.

Placing her hand on mine, Isla smiles and reveals a small white scar shaped like a V at the base of her neck and a tiny flower tattoo behind her ear.

"Pretty, but what does this have to do with me?"

Moving out of Griffin's arms and grabbing her phone, Ava walks towards me and asks me to move my hair to the side. Deciding to play along, I tangle my fingers in my long hair and pull it over my shoulder.

I wait until Ava hands me her mobile. Peering at the screen and seeing the last image, I notice the top of my red jacket, my hand holding my dark hair, and then a white V at the base of my neck, the same as Isla's. What. The. Fuck?

I drop the phone, the plastic cover smacking against the wooden floor, and push myself back from the offending item. Shaking my head, I glare at my supposed best friend. "What kind of game are you playing? This is messed up."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now