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If someone claimed my introduction to The Ranch was pleasant, they'd be a complete nut job. This place, the community, or what I prefer to call THE CULT, is precisely that—a damn cult!

The women here are all perfectly behaved, well, most of them are. All of them are stunningly beautiful. They stay indoors and tend to the house, while the men plot, scheme, and do whatever they do out there in their secret headquarters. I believe they're all secretly engaging in some S&M fantasies because KILL ME! This Stepford wife crap is not a turn-on.

I mean, seriously, do they not know that we all start the same in our mother's wombs? It's not until the 9-week mark that our ovaries decide to stay as they are if we are women or drop to balls if not. In essence we all have balls and even cocks. Ever wonder why the tip of a clit and the head of a penis are both sensitive? It's because they're the same bloody part. Just one got bigger. But still, it's like because I have boobs, I need to be kept safe, and OMFG...

Shortly after arriving, Liam took off, leaving me with Siobhan and aunt Eileen. Both ladies, surprisingly, are decent enough. Maybe with several margaritas, I could get them to have a little fun. But after giving me a quick tour of the main building and showing me to my room, I was left to wander the grounds on my own, the other women avoiding me like the plague as they went about whatever boring stuff they do.

And don't get me started on dark-eyed, bitch queen, Roisin. For some reason, she seems to be having a one-sided pissing contest with me. Not only is she watching me like a hawk, giggling with her little minions and smirking at me like she has some big secret that I'm not privy to, but she's started wearing her hair and dressing the same way as me. FML... This is some serious grade school bullshit.

As for Ava, every time I attempt to mention, they all become closed-lipped, as if Heaven forbid, anyone tells me something that will help me get my friend back. I'm almost tempted, almost, to call Alexei and get him to sort this out for me, even if I would owe him another favor.

My sole source of solace has come in the form of a heavily muscled, blonde hulk. He's the only person who has made my limited time here bearable—a perfect male playboy bunny with both the attitude and looks of a man-slut, precisely my type of fun.

Having the privilege of his company during dinner has been a delightful distraction from the man on my left, who has been silently brooding beside me the entire time. I don't get it; Liam completely ignores me but acts like I've wounded him when I decide to focus on my other dinner guest, who doesn't seem any happier to be at the Ranch than I do.

Deep in contemplation, I lift my gaze to the stars, enthralled by the breathtaking valley surrounding me. A shiver traverses my spine as I perceive the approaching Alpha, his unmistakable scent of fresh grass and wood teasing my senses. Without bothering to turn around, I release a sigh. "What do you want, Fido?"

"Stay away from Shay," he growls, his breaths heavy as he advances, his body now mere inches from mine. The proximity is so intimate that I can feel the tiny hairs on my arms stand on end.

Refusing to turn around, I clench my fists and maintain my focus on the sky. "We're just having fun, Fido; there's nothing for your furry little head to worry about."

Obviously not satisfied with my reply, Liam's massive hands envelop my waist, gripping tight and pulling me back into his chest. His warmth seeps through my clothes, reaching directly to my core. "It's dangerous, the game you are playing, Mo Thine," he rumbles, dipping his face into my hair and inhaling. "You're not safe with our kind."

Struggling to remain composed and blinking several times, I tilt my head to try to dislodge him. Big mistake. Taking advantage of my movement, Liam presses his face into my neck, his mouth hovering over my jugular vein. "Smell so good," he purrs, his voice distorting, signaling his wolf taking charge. "So good, want to ma..."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now