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Damir, always the gentleman, safely drove us home. He carried Isla in his strong arms like a cherished child and gently placed her in my bed.

"Are you sure she wouldn't be more comfortable in the guest suite?" Damir inquires, a slight furrow creasing his handsome brow. It's well-known that I prefer not to share my space, especially my bed, so his concern is understandable, but I brush it aside.

"Isla will be fine," I reassure him, "and besides, I think she might need some assistance if she has to get up in the middle of the night." I give him a playful wink, anticipating Isla's impending hangover.

"I'm k," Isla slurs, her body curling in on itself as I reach down to pull the shoes off her feet.

"Sure you are," I tease, gently tugging on her foot when she tries to pull away.

"So she is someone you..." Damir pauses in his question, and I notice the vein pulsing in his temple. "Care for?" he adds, reaching out with his gloved hands to remove her other shoe..

Knowing that my response might stir up some reaction, I concentrate on removing Isla's pants and disregard Damir once more.

"You are aware that once you and Alexei are bonded and have an heir, he won't prohibit you from having companionship," Damir remarks.

Rolling my eyes, I focus on taking off Isla's pants and carefully place them on the floor before returning to her top. "I'm not sexually interested in Isla, if that's what you're implying."

"My apologies, Cкучать Erin, I shouldn't have presumed," Damir says, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks, as he bends down to assist Isla while I remove her chemise, leaving her in her underwear. I have to give it to the man. He has helped me dress on numerous occasions without complaint or inappropriate behavior. Sometimes I wonder if he even has a libido. But like Alexei, Damir was raised to exhibit restraint from a young age, and I have yet to witness him act otherwise.

With a look of concentration, Damir carefully lowers Isla onto the mattress, pausing when she extends her fingers toward him, almost touching his face. Panicking at the thought of what might happen if she makes contact with his skin—either a shock or a reaction similar to mine—I quickly intercept her hand, holding it firmly in mine and out of Damir's reach.

Looking up at me with a blink, Isla then shifts her gaze back to Damir, murmuring, "pretty," and after a moment, adds in a breathy voice, "you're strong."

Damir, not accustomed to being called pretty, smiles at Isla's comment, responding gently, "You are pretty too, mаленький волк."

"You make my head buzz," Isla mumbles before closing her eyes, her breathing growing deeper, indicating that she has fallen asleep.

Raising an eyebrow, Damir looks at me with a hint of amusement. "I have no idea," I respond, "it must be the alcohol talking."

"Your friend doesn't usually drink?"

"It's her first time."

"And her family trusts her with you?" Damir asks, a hint of jest in his voice. Okay, so I can't even keep a houseplant alive... Nearly killed Ava's plant Droopy on more than one occasion.

"What, you don't think I can take care of another living thing?"

"I have always had faith in you, Cкучать Erin."

Lightly smacking Damir on the arm, I hear his phone ring. Retrieving it from his jacket pocket, he answers. "Cэр," silence, and I know he is speaking with Alexei. "да, she is home safe," silence, "да, the little one is now resting." More silence, "да, I will be there shortly." Ending the call, Damir gives me a slight nod.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora