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Witnessing Ava's meltdown as revelations about the Ranch triggered her, genuinely freaked me out. Especially with her eyes blazing that same intense amber. I totally got why she was pissed—feeling like a chess piece in someone else's game sucks. But seeing the fallout from all the secrets piled on only amped up my guilt.

Now, I'm stuck in this bizarre spot. On one side, I'm fiercely protective of Ava, ready to go full-on bodyguard mode for her. On the other, I'm wrestling with this weird urge to bump uglies with a guy who's pretty much a stranger but also, sort of, her date. And don't get me started on those sex dreams—FML.

And the winner of the 'Worst Friend of the Year' award goes to—drumroll, please—me. Bravo.

As if that's not enough, I'm now dealing with these weird ass, feelings for Isla. Think family vibes, not flirty ones, despite barely knowing her. I don't do this shit.

I might as well be going through early menopause, which is ridiculous since I'm only 28. I blame it all on this place and its backwards customs.

Then there's Alexei, constantly texting for updates. Oh, what a joy this trip has been.

My head is spinning, and I'm fighting the urge to torch every wooden clothespin in sight. Seriously, has no one here heard of a dryer?

Trying to stay calm is not my strength. My frustration isn't really about the lack of modern laundry equipment—it's about Isla. And definitely not Liam and his oh-so-kissable dimples. Nope, not at all.

Who am I kidding? It's absolutely about Liam and Isla. My emotions are all over the place, and I can't figure out why. Sure, I care about people—okay, a handful at best. But something about these two has me completely unstrung.

I try to focus on discussing with Ava our plans to track down my birth parents, but even that's a struggle. My thoughts keep drifting back to a pair of warm chocolate eyes. FML.

Then, as if on cue or to punish me, my phone rings. Caller ID: BAC (Ball and Chain), Alexei. I cringe. Double FML, and things just got worse.

"Shit. Babe, I gotta take this. I'll meet you inside," I tell Ava, quickly moving away before answering. I've missed too many of his calls to risk another.

"Everything okay?" Not even close.

"Yeah, just work stuff," I lie, casually checking my watch. "I'll only be a second. Better answer it, though—reception is crap here." Not waiting for her response, knowing she'll understand, I head towards the trees.

Answering my phone on the fourth ring, Alexei's deep voice greets me, his tone impatient, "Status."

I know with Ava at the Ranch, he'll demand my immediate return, but I'm not ready to go back yet. I swallow, my heart rate increasing as I walk further into the untamed wilderness. "Nice to hear from you too."

Hearing him sigh on the other end, I know I'm pushing the boundaries of his patience. "Mаленький спитфайр, do not push me. Status."

Licking my lips, the fresh air working against me heat, I tighten my grip on the phone. "We've made contact. I'll know more soon." It's a lie, but I weave a seed of truth into my words. Alexei has a knack for detecting lies, claiming it's in the way their energy feels when they speak. While he won't sense me through a phone call, I've learned to apply this logic in all dealings with Alexei.

Hmmm, you wouldn't be withholding any crucial details from me, would you?" he purrs, his sultry voice causing me to shiver, unfortunately not in a good way.

"There are many things I keep from you, Alexei. Do you want me to be more specific, or shall I regale you with the details of how heavy my period was last week?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now