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Allowing my mind to process, I contemplate the possibility that there might be more to our sperm donor than the monster he's been portrayed as.

Entering the living room, I notice Shay still sprawled out in front of the TV. However, this time, the vacant seat beside him is occupied by a pale redhead with stunning features, boasting large dark hazel eyes.

Acknowledging my entrance, the woman, Morgan, I assume, stands and extends her hand. After a brief hesitation, I take it in mine and am immediately hit with a wave of strong yet gentle energy. "You must be Morgan."

"Erin, or should I call you Ciara?" Her husky voice questions, her friendly gaze focused solely on me.

"Erin's fine for now," I frown, inwardly chastising myself for the potential wrinkles forming on my face. "I still don't know Ciara..."

"Yes, Shay filled me in," she nods and cocks her head toward Bunny, who shouts something at the television, completely ignoring us. "But I guess that's one of the main reasons why I am here, to check and see what may be blocking your memories."

I nod, and just as I'm about to reply, our conversation is interrupted by a loud bang from the kitchen, followed closely by Ava's shouting. Moving past Morgan, who steps aside, I head toward my friend, raising an eyebrow when I see Ava waving a very large, very sharp knife at her mate.

"Stop treating me like I'm an invalid who needs to be wrapped in cotton wool," Ava growls, her nostrils flaring as her temper ignites. Ah, the good old days of Ava on her rags! Memories...

"Doe, the pack doctor told you to take it easy in the first stages. I was only trying to..." Griffin pleads, his hands held up in surrender. I hold back a laugh; it's quite comical considering that Ava barely reaches his chest, and he has about 150 pounds of muscle on her.

"Fuck the doctor, and fuck you! I'm not some damsel in distress, and I can still function like a normal human."

I move toward her, staying silent enough for her focus to remain on Griffin. When I'm in range, I wrap my hand around the knife's hilt, currently pointed at a particular male part of his anatomy. I can't help but chuckle as I snatch it out of her hand and place it out of her reach before she spins around to face me, her brown eyes ablaze with fury, and her hair wild.

Never one to tolerate her bullshit, I place a hand on my hip and give her a pointed stare. "So, do you want to tell me why you're raging against the Wolf? Or are we just a little hormonal today?"

Ava growls in response, stomping her foot and throwing her hands in the air before storming out of the kitchen, leaving her mate bewildered.

Dropping his arms, a frown marring his handsome face, Griffin sighs and looks toward me for support. "The doctor recommended that she rests when she's had a busy day. He's concerned that she's pushing herself too hard, and she has a tendency to faint."

"I heard that, you oversized meat sack, and don't forget to tell her the reason as to why I tend to pass out," Ava shouts, storming back into the kitchen and poking her pointer finger into his ribs. "Is number 1," she starts, giving him a push, "you sent me into FUCKING heat! Which, lucky me, can screw a girl up, especially when she has NEVER been through one before." Poke. "Number 2. You then disappeared on me when the bond was freshly reopened and half-formed, which also caused my hormones to go nuts." Poke.

"Doe, I never disappeared on you. I was giving you space. If I..."

"Don't interrupt me," Ava seethes, poking him again. "Number 3. You then allowed me to leave when I had completed the bond."

"Now you know that's not completely true," I start but close my mouth when she continues.

"AND," she almost yells this one, "it's your stupid super sperm that knocked me up that has made me this crazy, hormonal bitch. So don't even get me started..."

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now