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Four years later.

I moved my leg, nervously while I played with my nails waiting for the result. The autumn evening was starting to become into a night and the silence in the flat was not helping me not to concentrate on my raced heartbeat. While I was waiting for George to come from work, which was in the shop literally below our home, I couldn't help but hear the giggles coming from the flat above us owned by Fred and Lilith as Theo chuckled at the phone with me. It had been hard for him to adapt to this muggle technology but since we were not all the time together and the news I had for him were too important, I had to call him and he had to deal with it. Lena, who was probably listening next to him, laughed her arse off, congratulating me.

"I can't fucking believe I'm gonna finally be the hot uncle," he replied. "This is the best fucking news you could ever give us."

"Willow, love, I'm gonna be the best fucking auntie in the world!" Lena burst out, still laughing.

"You two know I still don't know if I'm pregnant, right? I'm waiting for the results," I murmured, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Bloody hell, we forget the contraceptive spell once in our entire sexual life and this happens. It was literally two months ago!"

"Wi, you were literally saying how badly you wanted to be a mum a week ago," Lena scoffed.

"And I do, but this really catches me by surprise! I don't have any symptoms, how I'm gonna be pregn-" I started but then went speechless as soon as the pregnancy test went pink. "Forget it, I'm pregnant."

The two of them started cheering and whooping, and I couldn't help but let out a little tear of pure emotion and excitement as I saw the pink colour and put a hand on my abdomen.

Pregnant. I was going to have a baby made by me and my George. I was going to be the mum of his kid, I was going to create a life out of the most beautiful and purest romantic love I had ever experienced...

"Mum's gonna love it, Willow!" Theo chuckled, still excited, "Merlin, she will probably start crying say how much her babies had grown just like she did when Lena and I told her we were getting married. Fuck, a bloody baby! It better not be a boy, though. I don't want another Weasley, please, thank you."

I could feel how my eyes were slightly watery with pure emotion and joy. I was going to be a mum...I was going to have a baby...

George and I have spoken about having kids since we got married three years ago, we wanted to be completely stable both as a couple, individually and with our jobs and home to give our children the best lives we could give them. 

Godric, our wedding...

It had been the most wonderful and beautiful day of my whole life. It had been during the night, in the middle of the flower field at my mum's home under the starry sky to then celebrate the party in a huge marquee where he had the time of our lives.

I had worn a Greek-style white dress with tiny little silver stars on my hair and my mum's veil from when she got married, and I never felt more gorgeous or more fairy-like. I had been so radiant, that as soon as George saw me walking down the aisle with my arm tangled to Theo's, he let out quite a few tears of pure happiness as Fred patted his back proudly.

We had said 'yes' to a whole life together almost at the same time, looking at each other's eyes with the biggest emotion and joy it could fit in our bodies, and we had kissed for the first time as wife and husband under the moonlight, with our loved ones as witnesses and George's whisper of 'I will love you for the rest of my life, my honey', echoing in my mind.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora