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Blaise Zabini was looking at me with a little smirk on his face and a shot in his hand. 

"Thanks, Blaise. You look amazing too," I smiled, feeling my tongue kinda lazy because of the effect the alcohol was having on me. " What're you doing down here, mate?"

"I saw that skirt from up there and I knew I had to come to, at least, greet you," he murmured, making me smile. "You look astonishing. Can I offer you a drink?"


"Zabini, I know that your dick is probably as hard as the Eiffel Tower right now, but you better be careful with what you do with my best friend," Theo warned as Blaise trapped my wrist starting to guide me to the table where all the drinks were.

"Fancy a vodka? O maybe a Martini?" he suggested, pointing at the immense variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks exposed before us. 

"A vodka it's okay," I smiled, coming closer at him. He grabbed the glass and handed it to me. I drank it slowly, under his intense look.

"You know, Willow? My other offer is still on the table too," Blaise whispered, making his eyes go down from mine to my lips. 

"Considering my luck," I started, coming even closer to him with our lips almost touching. "I'm really thinking about, Blaise. Especially after how good the last time was."

"Incredibly good," he smirked, confirming it.

"When are you free?" I dared to say, watching him take a deep breath. I noticed his hand caressing softly my hips over the skirt.

I deserve it. As long as we both know each other's limits and boundaries, we can have fun together. I deserve it.

"Except tonight, whenever you want, gorgeous," he whispered in my ear, making me bite my lower lip. "You already know where to find me."

"I do," I nodded.

Blaise sighed, "Well, as much as I enjoy your company, I have to go back to the cabinet before Draco destroys it."

"See you later, then," I smiled and he nodded to finally leave.

Dear Merlin, give me strength.

The song changed and the music started to sound even louder, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves whether they were smoking, drinking or dancing in the middle of the Chamber, and as usual, there were lots of people snogging against the walls. Surprisingly, George wasn't one of them.

That was quite relieving. After how I felt during our little interaction tonight, I don't think I could have handled watching him kissing someone in front of my own eyes. I wasn't expecting anything to happen with him, obviously, but I wanted to taste and treasure that moment in my mind as much as I could.

I found Theo drinking down another shot and I quickly approached him, trying to open a path through the huge crowd. He handed me his cigarette and I gave a long and deep puff to then tilt my head back and let out the smoke, watching it get lost in the air.

Theo grabbed my waist and started dancing with me, making me giggle.

"Hasn't your dear Di Luca come to the party?" he scoffed in my ear.

"No," I managed to say.

"And why is so?"

"She's a bit downcast."

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