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Draco guided me to the entrance of the Dungeons. The Slytherin common room was so isolated that there was a long tunnel that separated its entrance from the rest of the castle. That tunnel was normally Bloody Baron's favourite place. 

"Did he show you the letter?" I asked him in a whisper as we approached the big wall that worked as the entrance to the common room. 

"No, he was about to set it on fire right after reading it, but Blaise convinced him to wait until he had shown it to you," Draco replied, quite nervous. 

"Bloody hell."

Once we got in front of the wall, Draco mumbled in a low voice the password. No Slytherin student was meant to know the password, but I had been quite accepted by most of them so they didn't give too many fucks about me knowing it. Besides, there wasn't anything else in the world that Slytherins loved the most than going against the rules.

The wall opened in two, showing the immense and incredibly fancy common room with the huge wall made of glass to show the bottom of the lake and all the richness and luxury in the room, bragging the aristocratic background of the members of its house.

Sat on the expensive and fancy sofa of dark green leather was Theo, shaking his legs, effusively, with his hands in his head and his eyes practically glaring at the piece of paper in front of him.

He was deadly silent, which was even scarier.

"Theo," I called him, sitting by his side. He clenched his jaw. "Theo, what happened?"

I needed him to talk, to take out his rage. 

"This fucking knobhead sent me the bloody letter I told you about. Look," Theo spat, pushing the paper towards me.

I picked it in my hands, trying to read through the creases that had formed on the paper when Theo crumpled it. They were two pages stapled together. The first one had the Ministry signature;

Mr Theodore Nott Jr;

We are contacting you to announce that you have been required to assist the trial set for the day 1st November 1994 at 16;00h in the Department of Mysteries. You will serve as a witness of the convicted Theodore Nott Sr who is being accused of his crimes against the Wizarding World and against the Muggle World. We are also obligated to communicate to you that, in case you do not assist the mentioned trial, you will be accused of obstruction of justice and will be both processed and arrested as a wizard of legal age, with the possibility of facing prison.

Wishing you the best of the lucks and expecting you in the trial;

The Minister of Magic.

C. Fudge.

What the fuck?! Theo isn't a wizard of legal age yet!

I moved the page and read the other note where there was only a single sentence written with fancy and sharp handwriting;

You better help me to get out of this pigsty, Theodore.

This bloody fucker.

"He can fuck off. He can fucking piss off, I'm not going to assist to that shit," Theo burst, rage flooding his hushed tone. "Send me to Azkaban, I don't fucking care. I'm not going to any bloody trial."

"They can't obligate you!" I protested, completely puzzled at the threat of the Ministry.

"Oh, but they can," Blaise nodded, sitting on the couch next to where Theo and I were. "Slytherin trials don't work like Gryffindor's, Willow. Most of the time, they abuse their power over us because who the fuck is going to defend Death Eaters' children?" he shrugged, ironic.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now