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The next day, I woke up in between George's arms, hugged by him and feeling his corporal warmth covering me. 

It felt unreal. After so many mornings opening my eyes only to find the emptiness and darkness of that dorm - seeing his beautiful relaxed face, feeling his touch against my skin and the sunlight coming from the window illuminating the two of us tasted almost like a dream.

I kissed the tip of his nose, watching him smiling still a bit sleepy as his brown eyes opened, offering me that look full of love that had me head over heels. 

After spending a couple of minutes, just hugging and cuddling together, trying to feel each other's touch as much as possible, I had to force myself to stand up and walk to the bathroom. I had talked with George about wanting to experience taking a shower alone again since bath time during my captivity was precisely one of the most traumatic things that were probably going to stay in my mind for a while.

He agreed, being as understanding and supportive as possible.

"Once you are ready we can do anything you want and...uhm," George seemed to think for too long his next words, "Tomorrow we were planning to keep with the investigation about the Death Eaters we have been doing for the past two months, if you wanna join that would be great but if you don't, we can do any other thing you want, my love, there's no pressure. Obvs."

I smiled at him, making my biggest effort to find the strength to do so. I wanted to help, I wanted to put that bastard in Azkaban and I wanted to go back to my life without having to worry about any Death Eater shit.

Was I asking for too much?

"No worries, Georgie. I'll do it."

He nodded, with a big smile occupying his face.

Without any other word, I entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to recognise the things in my restroom that made it different from the one in the hut, as I started to undress.

The lemon smell, the warm light, the candles, the little window looking at the forest. The lemon smell, the warm light...

I got inside the shower and turned it on, waiting for the water to get warmer as I repeated myself those differences, trying not only to mention them but also acknowledge them in the room and feel their presence.

The candles. The little window. The lemon smell. The warm light. The candles...

As the cascade coming from the shower started to sound, I started to stop feeling those differences that were helping me to stay calm and, while the water kept covering my whole naked and trembling body, a kind of exasperating anxiety started to grow inside my chest.

He is going to show up. He is going to show up again and hurt me. What if he breaks his promise now? What if he decides to finally break me?

I began to feel the air struggling to enter my lungs.

The lemon smell. Wait, or was it orange? Whatever. The warm light...the...what was next? The light, the smell...there are two left...

The desperation and fear in my body finally took over me and I had to open my eyes again and focus on breathing.

"George," I called him in a faint voice. So faint he probably didn't hear me and I had to gather all the strength in my body to make my voice sound louder and firmer. "George!"

It barely passed five seconds when the bathroom door opened and George sneaked his head covering his eyes with one hand. I couldn't help but feel a smile forming on my face and my heart melting as soon as I saw him.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now