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TW: Dark themes and content.


My honey:

It's been five days since you are missing, I have looked for you in every single corner of this bloody school, I even convinced the professors to make an expedition to Hogsmeade because I'm desperate to find you. Theo proved his theory right, I already know Fluke was the one who took you. I haven't had time to think about how I feel about missing you because I'm too busy looking for you. I want you to know that even if you are not going to read this letter, I'm gonna keep looking for you till my last breath. I promise you, Willow, you will be coming back to me safe and sound. I don't care if I have to take down all the stars in the sky but I will find you. Godric, love, you can't even imagine how much I need you.

I love you, my love. Please, don't lose your hope in me.

Your Georgie

☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎

I hugged myself as the manacles in my wrists burnt my skin like an electric shock. Having the tears coming down my cheeks, I didn't bother to wipe them off nor to hide the fact that I was crying, but I did try to somewhat hide in the corner of the room, sat on the dusty mattress, shrunk, as I hugged my knees.

Fluke, in front of me, huffed.

I didn't know how many days I had spent here since he didn't let me get out of my dark dorm unless it was to go to the bathroom and whenever that happened, I was previously drugged by him with Merlin knows which medicines to make sure I was disoriented.

He didn't lie when he said he wasn't going to kill me nor to rape me - at least, he hadn't done it by now. But he still kept his word of hurting me, both physically and mentally. Because I was drugged whenever I wanted to use the bathroom, I could barely move, so he had decided he would be the one showering me. He wasn't raping me, but having him observing my naked body as he helped me to shower felt violating. While he was soaping up my back, I used to think about how different his rough and indelicate touch was from George's because, during this time, I don't know how much, thinking about my Georgie was the only thing keeping me from losing my sanity. Before you ask, yes, he had also started torturing me.

During this time, Fluke had tried to interrogate me at least ten times about where my father was, and even though I had told him like around a thousand times I didn't know - because I genuinely didn't -, he hadn't given up and was absolutely convinced I was lying to him.

The first time he had asked me when I had told him I had no idea, he only took a deep breath and asked me again. The second time I told him I had no idea, he had slapped me. He even tried to enter my mind so he could search for a memory of a letter or my father himself telling me where he was hiding, but he had not succeeded because I had put on the counterspell. I refused to have that man looking at my privacy.

He had slapped me again and tried to strangle me with my own ropes - he only stopped when I almost passed out and what felt like half an hour later, he had come back with those manacles. Obviously, they were enchanted to also hurt me. Whenever I didn't do what he told me, they would burn me as if it was an electric shock.

Now, he was again asking me questions, questions I didn't have an answer for.

"I'm telling you I don't know!" I sobbed, hugging myself. The question was easy; where is your father's headquarters? Where does he plan all his work?

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant