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George and I walked together through the crowded corridor, ready to have lunch together at the Hall. After getting out of Care of Magical Creatures, since it was the class we shared together without the rest of our friends, he quickly had come to me, offering me to leave together and, obviously, I accepted.

"Have you heard what people are saying about Snape?" George protested as we kept walking, "He's gonna make us prepare fucking Amortentia."


"Yeah! Can you imagine if mine smells like Angie?!" he said, quite concerned. "I mean, I don't think it will 'cause I know I'm not in love with her, I just like her, but can you imagine, though?"

I didn't want to imagine it.

I took a deep breath, "Well, I don't know. Amortentias are always surprising. I can't even imagine what mine smells like."

If it smells like him, I'm jumping out of the Astronomy Tower. 

George smiled, brightening the cloudy day. 

"I bet yours smells like honey muffins, willow's leaves and incense...oh, and secrets, lots of secrets," he scoffed. I stared at him, surprised.

"Incense?" I asked him, quite confused.

"That's what Astronomy Tower smells like, you never noticed?" 

I was about to shake my head when he raised his head, his eyes stared far from us with a dreamy smile on his face. I followed his look and found Angelina, sitting in the wall next to Alicia, smiling and with the dim light illuminating her dark skin making her look ethereal.

I looked back at George. Oh, dear Merlin, the things I'd do for you to look at me like that, Georgie.

The worst part was that I couldn't even hate Angelina, she was such an angel, how could I hate her? Easy, it's impossible

I had to assume that my place was being his best friend, supporting him, craving him in silence and in the distance, and being ready to sew back the pieces of his heart once it gets broken.

What a fucking destiny the stars had written for me...

The sorrow inside of me disappeared the moment I saw a familiar face entering the main Hall, looking a bit lost at first.

She was a tall and quite slim woman in her early 40s — even though she looked way younger — quite elegant. Her beautiful brown skin looked god-like under the light coming from behind the heavy clouds in the sky. Her thick curly hair, which I had inherited, was a few tones darker than her skin, still being in the brunette spectrum, and her eyes stood out with that grey colour that seemed as if it had been fused with a brush-stroke of blue. Just like mine too.

As soon as our eyes met in the distance, she immediately opened her arms with a huge smile, ready to receive me.

"Mum!" I shouted, excited, running to hug her. It only had been a month since the last time I saw her, but my mother was the most important figure in my life.

She pressed me against her body, letting me breathe that smell of home, somehow she always carried it, from her handmade cardigan of a stone blue colour. 

"Hello, Wi! Oh, baby, I've missed you so much!" she started spreading kisses all over my face, making me snicker.

Unlike many people, I didn't care about my mum giving me such displays of affection in public. Actually, I enjoyed it a lot because both of us were quite affectionate people.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now