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"Don't look at him, Willow" Theo whispered, "He's now staring at you - the bloody fucker looks like a bloody abandoned puppy. The fucking audacity he holds..."

The weight of George's eyes on me was heavy enough to make me feel as if he was crushing me. I tried not to look at him, not to show how desperate I felt to talk back to him, not to show how badly I needed him.

"If he has balls, he will talk to me and tell me what the fuck happens to him," I mumbled, squeezing hard the pencil in my hand, watching the notes in my notebook being completely nonsense because of my mind being somewhere else, "He's not the kind of boy who stops talking to a girl after he fucks her. He can't do that to me. Even less if I'm his fucking best friend."

"He better have those balls because I'm starting to have less consideration for my knuckles and being more up to break his face," Theo spat, trying to keep his eyes on Snape.

"As I was saying," Professor Snape drawled, having his eyes glued to us two, making us go immediately silent, "during our first class of the next week, we will be treating with a particular and special potion that is both well-known and dangerous; the Amortentia."

Fuck my life, man. Couldn't be any other potion, could it?

"I won't ask you to tell me what does your potion smell like unless you want to do it but I do need all of you to prepare it properly and to remember the consequences this potion has. Especially since I am dealing with a group of unleashed teenagers like you."

Right then when the class finished, I kissed Theo's cheek and left the Dungeons immediately. Feeling the blood in my veins going cold and the sorrow surrounding me.

Why did George have to do this? Why couldn't he just talk to me? I don't care if he doesn't want to repeat what happened, I don't even care if he regrets it. I just don't want to lose him and mean so little to him to let me go this easily.

I arrived back to the Gryffindor common room, eluding everyone talking about the Quidditch match dated for this Friday and quickly greeting Alicia and Angelina, who were sitting together at the stairs. As I sneaked inside of my dorm, I found Marlena staring at a new note in her hands.


"Willow, look at this," she interrupted me, showing me the letter. "Look at what this fucking arsehole says. Cazzo! I swear to Merlin this is the last thing I was expecting."

I read the note carefully.


As I told you in my previous letter, I consider that you should be more careful about what you are doing, meaning the relationships you are having. I understand you enjoy your sexual life with men - but women, Marlena? Really? I expect more from my daughter and I ask you, once again, to reconsider your actions before our own bond starts to cool.

- Your father.

"What the fuck?!" I burst, absolutely confused and filled with indignation. How does he dare to say that? "He's homophobic? Since when?"

Marlena gulped; "He has always been. My own brother, Damiano, was told off thousands of times because he enjoyed wearing clothes associated with feminity, and I have tried to keep my relationship with him as good as possible out of that, what I don't fucking know is how he found out about me fucking girls too!"

"I didn't say anything, I promise!" I assured her. 

She narrowed her eyes, quite serious and her voice sounding harsh.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Where stories live. Discover now