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As soon as we arrived at the little village, we started to disperse around. George, Fred and Lee basically ran to Zonko's without any waiting and I stayed with the Slytherin crew and with Lena, who was talking with Pansy, trying to ignore the obvious looks Theo was giving her.

"So, what? Where are we going?" Draco spoke, putting his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket.

"Three Broomsticks?" Daphne suggested and we all nodded. We started walking on the snow; Theo's arm interlaced with mine, Draco and Pansy stopping every once in a while to throw each other into the thick snow, Lena joking with Blaise and Daphne attempting to skate over the freezing floor.

Once we entered the pub, we sat at a large table next to one of the big windows and quickly got our butterbeer with us.

"What are you doing for your birthday, Willow?" Draco suddenly asked, making everyone focus on me. "It's in a few days, right?"

I exhaled, smiling. "Yeah, it coincides with the Hufflepuff party so I suppose I'll celebrate it there."

"That's gonna be a good one," Lena talked, smiling at me, "I'm gonna give you the best gift."

Theo snorted from the other place on the table.

"You wish, Di Luca," he said, making her narrow her eyes and glare at him. "I'm giving Willow the best gift."

Lena imitated his action and crossed her arms in front of her chest as the rest of us stared as if we were watching a tennis match.

"You don't count as a gift, you idiot. You are a living punishment, more like."

Theo smirked and grabbed his straw to throw a little paper at Lena, she replied with a fake smile and lifted both her middle fingers. Theo blew a kiss to her, ironically. Or not.

"Merlin, go flirt somewhere else, ew," Daphne intervened, drinking her butterbeer.

"Yeah, the sexual tension in here is bloody thick," Pansy smirked.

"Oh, don't get jealous," Theo winked at them, messing their hair, hearing immediately the girls complaining.

"You wished," they said at the same time, giving him a Slytherin look charged with superiority.

The Nott boy arched one of his eyebrows and looked back at Lena, nodding slowly and crossing his arms in front of his chest to then lay back on his seat.

Marlena moved her eyes from him and I couldn't help but notice how she was slightly blushing.

"I think she's gonna like mine the most," Blaise intervened, surprising us, and giving me an accomplice look.

"What is it?" Draco asked, next to him.

"I can't say out loud, you tosser," Zabini smirked, making the Malfoy boy scowl.

"Tell me in a whisper, please, Blaise," Marlena asked him, giving him puppy eyes.

Blaise seemed to consider it for a couple of minutes, but finally leaned forward Lena and put his hand in front of his mouth to start whispering in her ear what his gift was. I heard Theo huffing and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows, amused, when I saw Lena's eyes and mouth opening widely.

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