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Harry opened his eyes and looked at all of us with the surprise shining back in his face.

"I already know what to do," he whispered, trying to stand up. "There's only one Horcrux left - Nagini. Once she's dead, Voldemort has one single chance and if we kill the one who's protecting him, he won't even hold an opportunity. We just need to keep the fighting for a little longer."

"If he dies, all of them die," I immediately said, "Avery said it when he tried to kill me five minutes ago, the Dark Mark ties their lives to him."

"Brilliant," Harry breathed, actually relieved and rubbing his face with his hands.

"Do we all know what to do?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Ron nodded, showing himself more mature and concentrated than I ever saw him before.

We all agreed and started focusing on fighting back, throwing curses at the flying dark shadows and making sure we were keeping the castle and Harry protected. I knew some professors such as Snape had run away from the battle and I knew some students, the ones who were under eighteen, had been sheltered in the insides of the common rooms for their safety, so it was us, a bunch of teenagers and some adults against wizards experts in dark magic. Total chaos.

As I was running through the castle, trying to find Theo and Fred whom I hadn't seen in a long while, I saw Ginny fighting the Lestrange boy, Lena leading allying with Luna, Alya and the Hufflepuffs against the duo formed by Crabbe Sr and Goyle Sr, and Lilith being disarmed by Yaxley but punching the living shit out of him until she broke his nose and knocked him out. She smirked looking at the man laying on the floor and grabbed her wand from the floor to continue fighting the others.

And right when I was starting to believe something bad could have happened to the two of them, internally wishing to be wrong, and hoping to find them as soon as possible, I saw the two of them, but the circumstances in which I saw them made me hide behind one of the columns, trying to protect myself and see which the movement was going to be.

Theo had a winning smile on his face while he dragged Fred who was tied up.

"Oi! You two!" Theo burst, spitting at two of the Death Eaters who were about to curse Luna Lovegood from the back, "Look what I bring you."

The two of them turned around, pointing their wands at Theo and looking at him with certain disdain on their faces. Theo might have been a pureblood but because of his known hate for his father, every one of them knew they shouldn't trust him.

"What do you think you are doing, you filthy traitor?" one of them said - Mulciber, I think he was - looking as if he wanted to curse Theo at that exact moment.

"Maybe because I'm a Slytherin after all, and we are the best at saving our arses at convenience. Now, I have brought you one of the biggest traitors in the entire wizarding history, is not a Weasley enough for you?"

Thye looked at each other, considering Theo's words and observing the despise growing in Fred's face as he glared at the Nott boy, and judging by their expressions, they seemed to for one moment consider it. And let's be honest, a pureblood is always a pureblood.

The two men nodded, and still with their serious expressions they grabbed the rope that was around Fred's wrists, ready to most probably kill them. But, oh, Merlin, there was the trick!

You didn't actually think Theo was becoming a Death Eater all of a sudden, did you?"

Fred disappeared from the rope, letting it explode in front of the Death Eater's eyes with such a power that they immediately started bleeding, screaming in pain and trying to reach their wands from the floor to curse both boys while they were running away lifting their two middle fingers to the two of them.

𝖳𝖮𝖴𝖢𝖧 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖲𝖳𝖠𝖱𝖲 | 𝖦𝖤𝖮𝖱𝖦𝖤 𝖶𝖤𝖠𝖲𝖫𝖤𝖸Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora