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He was across the forest, observing the merpeople that Professor Hagrid had introduced to us. We were with our bare feet touching the cold water from the lake till almost our knees and feeling the little creatures around us. It was quite a sunny day for being in mid-October and the wind wasn't as aggressive as these last days.

"They're so cool, aren't they?" I spoke, calling George's attention.

"Yeah! I think she wants to tell me something but I'm not that good at sign language yet," he said, a bit embarrassed, pointing at the little mermaid in front of him. 

She must have been a baby mermaid because normally adult merpeople were a bit less confident around us and it took us a good couple of classes before Professor Hagrid even let us approach them. However, the little creature was looking at George with friendly eyes.

"Wait, let me help you," I waved first at the mermaid, trying to catch her attention as respectfully as we had been taught to do and once she looked back at me and confirmed I was no threat to her, we started speaking with our hands. 

"Oh! She says you are so handsome!" I giggled once I understood the message.

George smiled, "Oh, really? It's the first time a no-human calls me handsome, I feel so flattered!" he continued, quite dramatically.

The little mermaid jumped out of the water and did a little loop in the air in front of our eyes to then go back into the cold water. 

"How do you know sign language so well?" 

"Theo has helped me to make it better," I replied, putting a little bit up my skirt so it didn't get splashed, exposing a bit more of my legs without the normal stockings we were most of the time obligated to wear. "Since they have their common room under the water, they've learnt the sign language perfectly to communicate with the merpeople."

"Of course it had to be Nott," he rolled his eyes with a little smile on his face. His eyes focused on me and I noticed how he discreetly lowered them to my legs.

My heart slightly raced. 

I knew George had a thing for legs - for thighs, more specifically - he had always said how they were the first thing he noticed in a girl but I was sure that he couldn't be staring at mine with the interest I wish he had because my slightly chubby ones were quite different from Angelina's toned and athletic legs. She was an athlete and I didn't really enjoy doing exercise so even though both our bodies were beautiful and I was really comfortable and happy in mine, I was quite far from being George's type.

"Ready for Hufflepuff's party tomorrow?" his eyes went back to mine as he arched his eyebrows.

"Yeah, probably gonna have a great time."

"Well, I definitely hope so 'cause I'm gonna unleash myself and have as much fun as possible," George responded.

"Yeah, 'cause you don't do that in every party, right?" I ironized.

He gave me a cynic look, still with his smile on, "I mean more fun, Willow."

"More?! And why so?" 

George pursed his lips, trying to look uninterested, moving his feet under the water and putting his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"I'm starting to lose a bit of hope with Angie, y'know?" he whispered, having his smile fading away. "I'm getting tired of not seeing any sign of reciprocal attraction. She's a great friend and I still think she's incredibly gorgeous but I also think that if I don't get the attention I want from her soon, I'm gonna end up getting over my crush on her." George clicked his tongue, sounding a little bit annoyed, "Besides, it can't be because she doesn't know I like her, I think all fucking Hogwarts knows I like her, but I don't want to keep feeling this hopeless and...I can't force feelings into someone."

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