Chapter 57

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Noi's POV

The Moon....After turns....From getting Shu back to Ear-th to Saving Lunaria from the Blood Moon Eclipse..... We actually returned....

"How lifeless was this dimension? Barely a spirit could survive here." I turned and found Shu by my surprise. "Shu you came! You actually came!" I squealed with happiness as I snuggled her in my arms. "Yes... apparently I am and I guess I'm forced to be here." Shu uttered as she placed her hand on my cheek as she pushed me away.

"Guys , we had to get going. We don't know when will Trader activate his powers on Chang'e." Jing said as we continued our journey but quickly stopped by Shu. "Eh seriously? Don't you gusy have any transportation here?" "Well apparently we don't and we shall walk on foot for now." "What's that then?" I turned my head and found the Bike Chickens once more.

"You’re not planning to steal right?" "Pfft , that's a peasant work , low class bro!," Shu laughed as she walked to Josh pulling him down by the collar ,"We're going to ask them. Courteously." She hummed as she jumped her way to the Bike Chickens.

"Hello friends. I see you have some pretty cool transport here!" She hummed as they looked at her suspiciously. "Say I heard one of you were the best bikes on the lifeless planet. Which one was the amazing one? I would like to interview them!"

Bill then walked towards Shu proudly , "Perhaps you're looking for me!" "Woah Woah! There must be a mistake here! I am the best biker among the three of us." Gretch then walked in. "Excuse me? I'm the one who passed through the comets all by myself , without screams involved of course!" "No , I'm the best!"

As the voices came in and more gestures were involved , a fight between the Biker Chickens had begun. By the mean time , Shu signalled us to take the bikes without them noticing.

There's an issue though....

There's 10 of us.... But there's only 3 bikes with three spaces.... Who will be the one over board?.... Right when Jing and Josh were arguing to be the one , Shu instead rolled her eyes , walked to us without the Bikers noticed her disappearance.

She opened the seat and pulled out a board that looks a lot like the mysterious human who previously saved Ava and even gave us the- Wait a minute....

She's.....the mysterious human being?!
How come I never notice.....

"Hey! What are you doing?!" "Go! Go! Go!" Shu yelled as she activated the board and glided in mid air while Jing , Josh and Ava could turn up the bike as we move on. Behind my back , I could hear the bikers who were frustrated and calling us names.

"We....actually stole them...." "Well , better than walking isn't it?" Shu said while looked at Jing. "Committing was never the best idea... Father would kill me..." "The man was nothing but a selfish moron." I looked at Shu who's face darkened a bit , "Not trusting his youngest daughter and making her a guilty being. He's not fit for the title. Baron Hou was better than him." Shu said while crouched a bit , speeding up the board.

"How did she even know how to use that?! If she actually forgotten her past?" Asch questioned. "Well....the day when we first brought you here , we did lend a surfboard to Shu. Not by our surprise , she helped you guys to find the gift...." "So....she was the mysterious human being? The one who saved Leif and helped Ava?" Josh nodded nervously as Shu yelled.


Ava's POV

As I looked up , I found meteors showering down to the ground. By emergency , I managed to dodge away from every single one until I found a small screen appeared on the bike.

"Battery loss?!"
"Not surprised! They need charging like phones! We must find a place to keep cover!" Josh yelled as he glided to his right , followed by me and Jing as we took a break in a small ravine.

"Oh my Celine.... It happened.... Trader actually possessed Chang'e! How could this...." Jing said while pinched the bridge of her nose and sobbed a bit. Asch held her by the arm as he comfort Jing. "Jing... It's not your fault..." "Of course , it was! I should at least told mom about the situation!" She yelled as several rocks blasted not far away.

"Mrs. Bungee? What's wrong with her?" "Our mother, apparently , just revived but she couldn't remember anything before. We did managed to revive some of her memories. But before we could talk about the loss of Hou Yi , we left to look for you guys since danger had approached."
"And she must have reminded her of the sadness of the loss of Hou Yi and emotions overloaded her as Trader took the golden opportunity...." Jing and Josh explained as more rocks blasted to us and even closer to our location.

"We must leave this place. We will be spotted by Chang'e any second and we will be crushed by the rocks." Shu answered as she got up from the ground. "But our bikes are in low battery! We can't just run away with useless bikes!" "Have I ever mentioned that we're not taking them with us?" Shu turned to us with her eyes turned green , "They're trash now. Come on." She said coldly as she tossed the board on the ground and jumped away with her jump boost,  leaving us nochoice as more rocks were coming towards us.

"*inhale**exhale* You know you could've wait for us right? Shu?" Leif asked as Shu just stood in front of huge natural formed rock wall while her hands were wondering around.

"Where was it...." She mumbled as she hit something and a hole was appeared in front of us , making us widened our mouths. "How was that even possible...." Shu shrugged by Leif's question as she walked down the hole which eventually led us to a humongous room.

"Oh! This place! This is where I was landed in before!" Noi said full of excitement. "You've been here , Noi?" "Mhm! The day when the Blood Moon Eclipse happened , and the day...when I found the truth...." His volume descend as he looked away , rubbing his arm.

I turned my neck and found Shu who's seems wondered off. She seems to be looking for something.... I found myself who led to a study room with Shu stood I the middle of the room , papers in her grasp and a candle with a book next to her.

"I’m re-reading the letters you wrote me~
I’m searching and scanning for answers
In every line~ For some kind of sign~ And when you were mine~ The world seemed to~ Burn~" Shu hummed as she dipped the handful of papers into the candle and watched it burn in her grasp.

"Shu? Are you alright?" She turned to me emotionless until a tear glided down from her cheeks. "Those memories... weren't worth to be kept...." She uttered while picked up the book and opened it , simply read the book as she quickly slammed it close.

"I’m erasing myself from the narrative~
Let future historians wonder how Shu
reacted when you broke her heart~," She hummed as she slowly torn some pages from book , which makes my heart ached a bit.

"You have torn it all apart~ I am watching it burn~" She hummed as she dipped the papers into the flames , burning into ashes. "Shu! Stop what are you doing?!" I yelled while grabbed her hand stopping her from tearing papers like a person with mental issues.

"I’m burning the memories~ burning the letters that might have red-" She suddenly stopped as she groaned and looked at me curiously. "What the heck am I doing?" "I was about to ask you the same thing." She stared the book that was torn apart by herself without her even noticing.

"What the hell had gone into me.... All I did was stare at the book and papers and the world was like burning to me..." She uttered as she tossed the book to the wall and sat the ground.

"It would be alright , Shu. Come on , we should be meeting up with the others already." I said while pulled her up from the ground as I led her back to the others.

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