Chapter 23

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Leif's POV

While passing across Shu's chamber , a small cough had entered my ear and put my guard up. I slowly pushed the door open and found the door that leads to a balcony of hers was opened.

I walked towards the balcony and realised a light blue glow shined faraway in the night and it soon disappeared. I was shocked by the moment , magic does exist on Ear-th... but what in the world was that?....

"Why she haven't come back home!?" Time has passed , it's already morning and Shu still haven't return. Right now , Ava was screaming for her adoptive sister's long lost existence.

"Prisoner! Shut up for goodness sake!" "Say this when your people were screaming for their prince's disappearance!" Ava yelled at Asch while pacing left and right repeatedly. "Ugh , pick up Shu , I still need help for the rent....." Ava mumbled. "Stop moving around prisoner! You're annoying me!" Asch yelled , remaining in his seat.

"Man , she finally have a purpose in your life."

A squeaky sound appeared as we all soon shut and looked around. There's only Daemos and Princess Ava in a certain space..... Who else could that be?....

"I'm just surprised that the purpose of Shu in your life was just a god damn money tool , how sad if she heard that."

Suddenly , a thump in the kit-cen had making us anxious , letting my mind imagining the worst thing could've happen. But then , it's just Gobi who succeed climbing onto the table with his extreme short legs.

We all took a sigh as Princess Ava continued pacing around the room , annoying Asch while I examine Gobi who's just sitting there froze. "Ugh , Leif , quit staring at the creature , it's disgusting." Asch groaned. "What are you going to do if I continue staring? Huh?"

"I would be clearly blushing for you staring at me for being fabulous." I suddenly froze as I turned my head. "Did you-" "Hey Leif."

Gobi's POV

"Argh! It-The spirit! He just talked!" I stood up in my short legs on the kitchen counter as I watched all of them being shocked by me.

"Uh , rude much? My name's Gobi , not spirit." "Y-You can talk? How come Shu doesn't tell me about this!?" I looked at Ava who had her phone in her hand , probably trying to dial Shu. I jumped down from the table and walked towards the couch , taking a seat.

"Cause Shu had trust issues , that's why." "Oh what , are you telling me that Shu doesn't trust me after being years of siblings?" I rolled my eyes and looked at her who's holding her phone tight in her grasp. "Give up , the place she's at now was completely zero signal and so there's zero chance of calling her."

"Well , there's at least an useful information , there's no use of the phone." She said while tossed it on the coffee table and sat on an armchair. "Then , where's Shu?" The demon with light blue horns asked.

"I don't felt telling , but since you are so worry about her , I shall tell you ," I said while jumped down from seat.

Pierce's POV

Watching the spir- , I mean Gobi , walking to the window , looking at the moon , turning to us , smiling , said

"She's there."

Then , a huge laughter from Prince Asch came out from his throat. "Uh , what's that funny?" "Please tell him , that his joke was seriously hilarious , and seriously, no one cares that gypsy." I looked at Prince Asch , breath out a deep sigh and I looked at the moon.

"Spirit Gobi , you're saying that..... there's living being on the moon?" "Yeah! I used to live there , and so is her goddess." Gobi said proudly while leaning against the wall with his head tilted against the wall and answered Rhys's question.

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