Chapter 8

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Shu's POV

"Caleb , chill geez , do you know what does it feel like when someone scream in your ear?" I said while scratching the back of my pangolin and asked Caleb who called me early in the morning.

"Melodify , come on , that's not the point. The point was , we had to be serious about this event. There might be a chance to get famous on the music community. You ain't want to miss this opportunity , right?"

"Yeah , I mean... 即使这是个好机会,我还需得到姐的同意既然我还有1星期,五天 看着那几个.(Even though it's a good opportunity, I still need the acceptance of my sister , since I still have a week and 5 days to look after those guys.)" I mumbled in Chinese, making the person on the other side of the phone confused like they're in the eighteenth floor of hell.

"Okay , bless for the classes of Chinese ,I understand your problem. Listen, Shu , truth or dare?" Truth or dare? Now? "Dare of course!" "Okay good! Cause I dare you to come immediately and not to tell your sister about this!"


Rhys's POV

"Caleb , please. Don't make me scream in your ears. I ain't hoping for any glass paying services." I walked out of the wall where the palace and Ava's apartment was connected with and found Shu talking through her magic slab.

"Caleb , one more time , are you letting my friends in? Don't make me splash my morning tea in your face." She mumbled as she walked to the sou-fa with a cup written 'Stay Wild Moon Child' in white cursive.

"I'm sure , if they make anything wrong, their bones will be dispose on the moon..... Geez , thanks for the offer and stay chill." She said while slurping some tea and ended her conversation with this man called Caleb.

"Morning Rhys. Mind getting the others awake? I'm taking all of you out at once. Gotta see if Ava want to come along...." She said while staring at her magic slab and walked towards human sorceress Ava's chamber.

Well , at least she's taking us out once more. I thought as I walked back in and head to Asch's chamber. After waking them all up , dressing myself in human outfits , I found Shu's chamber's door was half close as I had remembered the conversation I had with Pierce last night about the mystery under her hood.

I walked to her chamber and decided to just take a peek in her chamber. I looked in and was shocked by what I saw.

Papers of weird codes on the wall , papers of constellations on the wall , papers of weird notes on the table and a pencil on them. The spirit was sleeping peacefully on the bed. The weapon was right in the corner of her room.

This was just amazing....

"What are you doing in my room , Rhys?" I tensed up and found Shu standing behind with her hair wrapped with a towel on her head. "Well , you're free to explore my room just don't touch the papers. I spent months to arrange them." She said while pulled open her drawer , choosing a cap.

I decide to have a look at the books she had in her shelves, turns out , they're all either moon or outer space related informations. How much obsession she had to the world out of the Ear-th?

"You do have high obsessions to the moon , don't you , Shu?" The room gone complete silent after asking that question. "Y-Yeah. I have high obsession with the moon! Like it's pretty isn't it? Anyways-" "WHERE THE HELL WAS RHYS!?" She then looked at the door , smiling at me , pushing me out of her chamber. "You're dismissed, Rhys." She smiled before she slammed the door loudly in my face.

After she dressed herself into a white tight shirt and a brown coat like mine, bringing her harmless string weapon, she brought us to the Music Street where we first knew her as a Siren. She met the human who first performed with her on s-tage , his name was Caleb if I didn't forgot.

""Hey Caleb! Sure I'm not late right?" "Yeah , I see you brought some friends of yours. Your popularity was going over the roof , if you win this." "Tsk , please. I'm not exactly that famous , just some coincidence friendships." She said while elbowed Caleb by the arm.

"C.M. , you're up next!" "Sure!" "C.M.? You gotta be kidding me?" Caleb hit her elbow and put his arm on Shu's shoulder. Leif suddenly phased next to Shu and dragged her out from his grip.

"Leif , dude , chill. This gesture was human friendly." Shu quickly exclaimed, preventing him from killing Caleb. "A very protective boyfriend huh?" And what happened next was the fact that Shu started mumbling in the other language and her face was in complete red.

"Yeah Yeah , we should head to stage already. The staff members were probably looking for us." "Got something to tell them , you go first." After Caleb left , she then turned to us in a face of serious. "Listen , this was a great opportunity and I ain't hoping you all to spoil it. So , stay here. Clear? Clear." She said and walked on s-tage with the harmless weapon on her chest.

As the beautiful melody was played with her fingers danced on the strings , she and Caleb once again made a gorgeous duet together.

"Cut me down~ But it's you have further to fall~ Ghost town and haunted love~" Her Siren like voice echoed in my mind , leaving a huge impression in my mind.

"Raise your voice~ Cause sticks and stones might break my bones~ Target loud, not saying much~" She hummed. "Ugh , she literally showing her Siren side every single day , we're literally wasting our time on her." Asch groaned in anger.

"Prince Asch , at least she brought us out and explore the amazement of the sound magic humans had obtained on Ear-th. Isn't this enough?" "No. We're here to solve the magic crisis on Daemos , the human sorceress was our true target." "But it's still magic , isn't it?" "It's different, sound magic doesn't do anything."

"So , see you after today?" "See you tomorrow~" Caleb flirted her and she walked to us. "Geez , standing here for a moment already , aren't you? Ice cream anyone?"

My eyes immediately glowed up

"Ice cream!"

Ava's POV

"Ava? 姐?" I opened my eyes a bit and found Shu standing under the door frame. "What do you want.... It's still already this late...." I mumbled in a very unhappy tone and looked at the time now , 8PM, yeah ,that's too early.

"This is the situation.... Caleb ask me to head the street since there's an event going on. And if I had the spotlight , I might had the opportunity to be famous in the music community. But just....You had to keep an eye on the Daemos for a moment." "Hold on didn't you say you will take care them for the rest 2 weeks? It's not even after 1 week. And I had to take care the Daemos forever already?!" I said while my back jump up from bed.

Is she trying to break our deal?

"Listen, I had-" "Just because of a stupid deal , you're trying to break a promise between us already!? So friends were more important to you!?" "No- I treat you like you're the world to me , diamond. But I gotta move on as well." She said while I just looked from her.

"So you rather move on than watching your sister to suffer from demons?" "Diamond , I-" "Fine , you can do anything you want. Just I'm curious what will dads feel...." I said coldly.

She stood under the door frame , speechless. Her fingers gripped onto the door frame and looked at me , "I'm still doing it , something must to be sacrificed for each other's advantage." She said as she slammed the door hardly , leaving me in annoyance , anger and peace.

The Lotus Under Blood Moonlight(Noi x Oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora