Chapter 21

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Believe you have waiting this for long , enjoy

Art by me , the characters above was Josh and Shu , hope you like them >v<

TW : Hanahaki disease 🌺

Ava's POV

Right now , I'm being a statue between those fricking Daemos who was arguing with the topic of marriage while Dad and Pop were also having a conversation , which make me bored and very annoyed by the Daemos' screaming around.

If it isn't Shu who left me for some street performance , I wouldn't have to fix the camera that Mrs. Oats ask , I wouldn't have to got myself into a awkward date with Noi , and this would not happen.

Where was Shu when I need her?

Suddenly, a yodel sound has stopped the 2 groups of grown up men's conversation. Oh yeah.... The pizza shop was so close to Music Street , I had clearly forgotten.....

I looked to the performers on stage. Like I expected , Shu was on stage , dressed in a back Mexican dress with red shades and a rose band with a black veil on her head , covering her head as usual. The special feature was that her face was painted into a skull head tattoo , which very assembled the Disney movie 'Coco'.

"que el cielo no es azul~ ay, mi amor~ ay, mi amor~ que es rojo dice tu~
ay, mi amor~ ay,mi amor~ ves todo~
al reves~ ay, mi amor~ ay, mi amor~
creo que piensas con los pies~ ay, mi amor~ ay, mi amor~" Shu sang as a man which I guessed it was her senior Josh yodelled as a catchy beat was played.

"Who's that singing?" "Ugh , probably the gypsy again with her male senior. She's getting her work done." Asch said annoyingly while I noticed Dad and Pop's face darkened a bit. I quickly elbowed Asch by his arm , realising he said something wrong.

While watching Shu performing , I kept on having peeks to Dad and Pop. Their face gotten even darkened for every sentence Shu sang out , every movement she made , every smile she made....

"the loco that you make me~ it is just
un poco crazy~ the sense that you're
not making~" , her senior sang while strumming a guitar in her hand, "the liberties you're taking~" As Shu's performance was going to reach to the end , Dad and Pop suddenly started approaching to the stage , followed by me and the Daemos who were in complete confusion.

"Thank you and have a good day everyone!" The crowd cheered as Shu and Josh walked down the stairs. "This was so awesome , maybe we should do-" She finally noticed us......

"Dad...Pop...! What are you two doing here?" Shu said while scratching her hair hidden beneath the veil. "I thought you've change your mind to be an accountant. Seems like you didn't."

Shu's POV

I quickly looked away from Dad as he said so with his arms crossed. We three had this topic of conversation for tones of times. Every single time , he would tried to stop me from dancing and singing.

But that's the problem.

I love dancing, even I told him a tone of times that I had a part time job as a teacher. I have educated myself in Chinese and I have the ability and right to do so.

"Dad , Pop , we have this talk a million times and you had to get yourselves here to talk about this?" I said with some guts which I don't know from where they come from.

"Shu darling , your Dad does this for your own goods. And mind that tone of yours." "Shu , where are-" I turned and found Josh who got rid of his skull face make up and dressed back into his comfy clothes.

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