Chapter 11

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Shu's POV

I rubbed my damn eyes as I woke up by the huge golden egg yolk hanging in the air. I looked at Gobi who's curled up completely into a ball , growling so adorably in its sleep.

I went in the washroom and found how puffy and red were my eyes.... I looked down the basin where the tap was running quickly.

I washed my face, dressing myself into a knotwork moon designed tank top and shorts and decided to grab a drink , but I'm sure I would meet Asch who will sure pissed me off like yesterday.

As I walked out , I grabbed my mug and took a sip until I noticed a red fabric with the corner of my eye. I took a deep breath as I put away my mug from my lips and stared at Asch.

Stay calm , Shu.....
Like what Mirage said....
He's a pain in the butt.......

"Yes , Asch?" "You really have the guts to walk out of your room , gypsy." "I mean, pfft , I'm someone who can't survive without touching the sun a day." I said with a fake smile upon my face , but gotta make realistic as possible.

"You still have the guts to smile in front of me , gypsy." "For your information , the name's Shu actually." "Do you have any idea who are you talking to!?" He yelled while grabbed my mug and threw on the ground , watching it shattered into pieces.

"Wha- Do you know how expensive was that!?" "I don't care your stupid mug , gyp! You had crossed the line , and that's what you get! Don'tlet me see you again!" He said and walked back through the wall. I squatted down , picking the mug pieces carefully but scars and blood were found on my fingers.

"Ah...够力(Dang it)....." I hissed in pain as I tossed them into the trash and walked back to my room. "Shu! What's wrong with your- He still...?" "I-I will be fine , Gobi." I said while grabbing some bandages and alcohol in my drawer.

I hissed painfully as the alcohol had contact with my scars. As soon as Gobi helped with the bandages , Caleb called.

"Hey bro , what's with the call?" "C.M. had been chosen , Shu! We're gonna get famous!!!!" Caleb screamed by the other side of the phone , letting me pull my phone away from my ears. "Sure...Ah*hiss* Gobi!" I whispered yelled Gobi as he pulled my hand to him and continued the other scars.

Like bruh , I can't let anyone know I have a pangolin who does the recovery progress from me while I was calling someone. They are might call the animal abuse centre.

"A-Are you alright , Shu?" "Yeah , just spoiled my mug and hurt myself. I'll be fine within a day or two." I then noticed Gobi staring at me with killer yet adorable eyes.

"Gotta go feed my cat , bye!" "Wait you don't hav-" Before he could bust my lies , I quickly hung over and stared at Gobi. "You seriously lied about yourself , Shu. What now , for not letting others being worry about you?" "Y-Yeah. That's a good excuse." I said while walking to my keyboard , plugging in and pressed D minor , the depressed symbolized key.

"I don't know if you can hear me~ Or if you're even there~ I don't know if you would listen ~To a gypsie's prayer~" I started humming God Help The Outcasts from a Disney film as I sat down.

Personally , I like the film since I could be so related Esmeralda by the timing. She's basically someone who dances , sings and..... She's an outcast....

She's just like me.....

Why can't God show sympathy to all people if he called us his children?

"God help the outcasts~ Hungry from birth~ Show them the mercy~ They don't find on Earth~" I sang in a higher tone , letting all my emotions out with my voices. I tried not to hiss by the pain of my fingers, I'm going to make this song perfect.

"God help the outcasts~ Children of God~" I hummed the last lyrics as I played the last key on the keyboard and jumped by....

"Wow , that's amazing!"

Noi's POV

By the early morning , Asch had called us to the throne room which makes us all absolutely no clue what's going on.

"Prince Asch , what's with the early call?" "Yeah Asch , you know it's too early and human sorceress Ava even told us that she would only bring us when she woke up." Leif mumbled while stretching his bones.

"Ugh, just got pissed off by that gypsy." He said while leaned his back to the throne. "You mean Sh-" "Don't! Even mention her name in my face , Rhys! She had been nothing but a useless one , we could've just kill her if we could." "Your majesty! This was literally unnecessary!" "Her face had gotten my temper increase a lot." Asch huffed as he looked away.

What did Shu do wrong?

She did nothing wrong , didn't she?

"Should we wake Sorceress Ava up from bed?" "Ugh, Noi. You'll do the job." I tensed up as Asch called me. "M-M-Me?" "Who's name was Noi other than you? Stop being a scary cat and go!" Asch demanded , making me went through the walls to the humans' territory.

"God help the outcast~ Hungry from birth~" I stopped my movement towards the doorknob as I heard sound magic from Shu's chamber. I walked towards her chamber, quietly sneaked into her room and found her playing a board with black and white buttons. Her spirit was sitting on her bed , observing her.

"God help the outcasts~ Children of God~" She hummed as the last note of the melody of hers echoed the room. I immediately exclaimed "Wow! That's amazing!" , complimenting about her sound magic skills.

She jumped and turned to me. "N-N- Noi! What are you doing here!" "Well , you left the door open. I just come in." She started to fiddle her bandages wrapped fingers and her face was somehow turned red like blood. "Y-You heard everything?" "Yeah , you do have talent , even you're a gypsy like what Asch called you..." She suddenly looked down , which make me feel that I had hurt her feelings.

"I-I didn't mean to say that , I mean I-" "NOI! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Right when I was trying to apologise , Asch?

"You should go. He would be mad anyway." She said while turned away while my eyes were landed on her bandaged fingers. "What happen-" "Just go , Noi. He need you." Shu said with a smile while putting object on her ears , which seem to be block off all the voices.

"Just be careful , okay?" I said full of concerned as I exit her chamber.

Gobi's POV

I looked back at Shu who then took off her headphones and grabbed her hair hardly.

"God....Help Me!" She yelled as she looked back to her papers and started scribbling.

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