Clary's scream mixed with Seok Jin's and several others. "ASTIE!" Seok Jin screamed at the top of his lungs. The side of Astatine's head had been blown off brutally, blood was pouring out from her head everywhere. The side of her skull was becoming slightly visible from the shot. Clary whipped her head round. The doctor wore a mask, it was no regular mask. The doctor wore a cardboard mask which had Taehyung's face on it, he locked eyes with Clary and turned on his heel. Clary reached her hands into Namjoon's waistband retrieving his stashed gun. She didn't hesitate. Didn't think. She pulled the trigger and the doctor fell to the floor.

"Go into the theatre and don't come out." Namjoon spoke in Cantonese to the two nurses who did not need to pronounce Astatine dead. They followed his command.

Clary was sobbing. Namjoon grabbed onto her hand. "I have a bad feeling." He said.

Clary couldn't explain the feeling in her chest. She felt like she was going to die. She felt vulnerable, and scared. She never felt scared. But the sight of half of Astatine's blooded skull and limp body, she felt terrified. This war was closing in on her, it was closing in on her girls. "Astatine please." Katie sobbed. She was holding Astatine's other cold hand. Jin was staring aimlessly at her corpse, he couldn't take his eyes away from it. "Please astie, don't leave us." Katie cried out. Nobody else spoke. Grief had stunned them to a silence. A silence which allowed them to hear the opening of double doors and the group of people that had rushed into the room. Unfortunately it was not staff. It was not help.

Figures in black stood in front of the group. Each one of them wore a mask with Taehyung's face on it. They all held guns pointed toward the group. Clary glanced at Namjoon through her tears. She knew that this is what he had trained her to do all those years ago. The emotionless, monstrous Clary. She had to come back otherwise there was no hope. She had to come back alongside the monstrous Namjoon. "Split." Namjoon instructed. It was a simple, effective demand. His tone was deadly, his eyes had almost grown black with determination. "NOW!" He yelled.

Almost half of the group turned toward the opposite exit from the figures. Katie, Jimin, and Hoseok fled through the corridors rapidly trying to find an exit whilst Jin, Yoongi, Clary and Namjoon remained. Clary could feel the adrenaline start to rush through her veins. She glanced to the corpse of her friend beside them. Shut it out. She demanded. Shut it all out. Now.

"Until the end?" She looked at Yoongi, and then Namjoon.

"The end is not here yet." Yoongi loaded his gun quickly.

Clary and Namjoon were the first to charge toward the figures that wore Taehyung's face. Clary grabbed one by the neck at the exact same time Namjoon did so too, in synchronisation she and Namjoon put their hands on the necks of their victims and in a quick twist snapped them like pencils. The bodies fell the the floor and then gunfire was unleashed. Yoongi shot three men, and Jin shot seven men. Clary jumped onto another person taking them to the ground with her. "Bye bye." She smirked before smashing their head with the back of Namjoon's gun. She hit the head harder and harder until all she could see was blood. Yoongi had to grab Clary's arm and remove her from the body.

There wasn't many people left at this point. Clary swiped one of them from underneath her, she felt completely numb. She felt infinite in this moment. She walked over to the person, Yoongi shot the remaining two standing leaving Clary with the last man. She looked at them struggling on the floor, Clary took a couple of steps back. She ran at a fast speed and jumped up as high as she could, she stomped on both of the victims legs. There was a loud crack as she landed on their legs, both of them snapped. The man screamed in pain. Clary bent down at their face, she grabbed the mask off of them. It was a man none of them recognised. "Where is he?" She spat. "What does he want?"

The man laughed sinisterly, "telling you is not worth the price of what he would do to me."

Clary seen a flash of silver and it was too late, the man had brought a blade from his jacket pocket and slit his own throat. He coughed and choked on his own blood, gurgling and gasping as warm blood trickled down his neck until there was no more noises. "Come on!" Namjoon grabbed onto Clary's arm. "We have to go!" Yoongi yelled.

Clary ran beside Namjoon, she glanced back at the bed with her dead friend and fought back the tears. She was numb now. She had to shut it out. There was no room for grief not yet. She looked over at Jin who was leading them out of the double doors. Jin didn't look back. Jin couldn't look back. Jin felt like part of him had died alongside Astatine on that bed and he couldn't breathe. He couldn't think about it or he would be dead too so he continued.

A loud alarm started blaring throughout the hospital, it sounded like a wailing siren. Doctors and nurses hid inside patients wards, receptionist staff were crouched down behind their desks afraid of the gunfire. "Uh Joon-". Namjoon turned to see men wearing Taehyung's face pour out from every corridor into the middle. Everything seemed to pause eerily for a moment.

There was faint sound of static and there it was... Taehyung's voice sounded over the intercom of the entire hospital. "I won't hide in the shadows anymore. Nor will I let the ones who hurt me the most die a simple death. You don't deserve my mercy. You are all puppets living in my doll house, I will play with each single one of you until your strings snap. You all deserve everything you get."

The sound faded out with a gunshot which was fired at Namjoon who swerved it with a duck. Clary tossed him his gun to which he shot the person right in the chest without missing a beat. "We have to leave." Yoongi ushered.

The group broke into a sprint toward the nearest fire exit sign. The entire main hall became ablaze with gunfire. Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon shot as many people they could and deflected every shot. Clary had no weapon on her. She was at the front of them despite this, she found an easy looking victim and launched her entire body at them dodging a gunshot. Clary punched them on the face and kneed their crotch. She grabbed onto their wrist and snapped it like a twig, grabbing their gun from their limp hand.

Clary jumped up to her feet with her new weapon and shot as many people as she could. It didn't matter if they weren't in her way. If Taehyung was going to fight dirty then so was she. She shot every person she could see and led the group to a fire exit. "Hurry!" She screamed.

Jin sprinted toward the fire door and slammed his entire body into it causing it to burst open. The small group sprinted through the door shooting behind them when they could. The door led to the outside of a car park where Hoseok and Jimin appeared, sprinting toward them. Tyres screeched in the near distance. Clary looked up at them deadly. Everything seemed to stop. She looked them in the eye. "Katie?"

Hoseok was gasping for air out of breath. Jimin hung his head low. "They took her."

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