mAn Is JuSt A wAlKiNg DeAd

19 9 11

Walking around the world
Full of dreams, expectations
Not choosing to exist
But finding oneself breathing

It's all vanity

Born of a woman
Then the circle starts
The fight for survival

It's the same for everybody
Well, it has its similarities

The first step taken
Innocent, harmless, stupid
Dependent on older beings

After that,
Comes the teenage years
Not a child, not an adult

This is when strong feelings are born
Dreams are set ablaze in one's heart
And the need to be independent is evident

Adulthood comes too fast, running in maybe
Sticking in its ugly head with all the responsibilities
The need to make an impact, the thirst for greatness

But then it's all useless isn't it?

Because old age surely comes
And sometimes death comes first

Like a ticking bomb,
Tick, tick, tick and then boom!

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