
10 3 4

Remember when I said I was going to break the circle in dots?
Turns out it was easier written than done
She said “the moment you say no, liberation is birthed”

Do I want to bring something so beautiful to life?
Yes I do, but what if it dies too soon?
Why are you settling for less when you deserve more?
“When the preferable is not available, the available becomes the preferable”

You're a puppet!
That's my conscience taunting me
Girl, you were an object used to prove people right
I broke all moral grounds, now it's breaking me

It's not healthy!
She yelled at me
“This isn't you!”
Now all this words are looking me straight in the eyes
Why are you doing this?

Something that makes no sense
Your mental health is at stake
What are you trying to prove?
What's the gain?, absolutely nothing!

Well, hope is dead
All chances taken
Mind is blurred
Speech is lost

Legs roaming
Broke the circle in fours
I'm gone.

Tempted to leave a detailed explanation for this poem, but I'll leave that to you guys. Please remember to vote and comment, it means a lot to me. Sorry for slow updates,next year I promise to improve.

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