iTs NoT a ChOiCe

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I just wrote this with a guy I met today on WhatsApp. My friend asked if I wanted to join a group call, then later on she created a group chat. She asked us to entertain her, and we came up with this. I write most of my poems on my own, but this is simply beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration sis, I love you. Please vote and comment, I'm getting discouraged. Enjoy, much love.

Existing without a choice
More like living without a voice
Your footsteps unheard
A kid with a belly unfed

Your parents live on the street
Day and night with nothing but sores under their feet
Different voices screaming for redemption
Give us peace, joy, love anything but this condemnation

But all our pleas are like whispers
The unheard songs of your crying daughters
No ears seem to hear
Now tell me, don't we have reasons to fear?

For this life, offers us nothing but pain
Woke up with dreams that are now beside my pillow slain
Even in my sleep, my demons lord over me
Demons who bring cries of torment even from the sweetest hymn

My life has no purpose, but I must go on
Even though my crown has now been made from thorn
I hope the after life shows me sympathy
Maybe just maybe, if I am lucky I will end up with a love so heavenly.
©️ Ehime and Nicholas

Ab"sin"theOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora