oFF gUaRd

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I finally tried to get out
Then I fell back in
I keep reaching the top
But someone steps on my fingers
Then I'm at the edge again

I'm crawling to the top once more
I'm already getting exhausted
My whole body hurts badly
How did I fall in this pit?
I guess I was walking recklessly

I fell alone though
That's why I'm trying to get out
I keep screaming everyday
But there's no one to rescue me
So I'll keep crawling

I'm tired of crawling
But it's hard to accept my fate
What if I'm meant to be stuck here?
I'll still try to change my fate
I can't be here alone

Why did I fall?
When I finally get out
I'll try not to fall back in
But if I miss a step
I'm dragging someone with me

I was taken off guard
But the next time
I'll be the master of my sail.

So I wrote this last year, when I was completely head over heels in love with a boy lol. Please vote, comment and keep reading, much love.

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