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It's noon, the sun is shining
But the inside of my soul feels like night
It is dark and hollow, and I can't seem to tell why
Emotions, sometimes they don't give you reasons

Something so fragile, yet so bold
There's love, and then there's anger
There are so many more
I feel all, sometimes at once

Anger and love
My greatest nemesis
They keep feeding on my soul, growing bigger
And then leaving me with bloodshot eyes

My least favorite is love
It turns me into a fool
And breaks down all my boundaries
It never goes down without a fight

It affects me badly, just like love it never relents
My heart goes on vacation, when I feel it cursing through my veins
Sometimes I love it, because of the boldness it brings
Other times I hate it, because it leaves me in pain

That's what helps me write
It's what makes me cry
It's the reason I'm capable to feel

I wouldn't trade it, no never
Without it, I'd be more of a monster than I already am
And being numb has never been greater than being able to feel.

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