SoOnEr Or LaTeR

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The world would be pinker
For me, just for me
But for now
My favorite color seems to be black
Even when I can't see in the dark

Oh the happiness I seek!
Is far from my reach
And it burdens my soul
Numbs my mind
Makes it hard to breathe

Would it always be like this?
Heartless, but still full of love
Not life, there's no life in me
Just despair and wishes
Of what can't be mine

Frame sat on the table
Surprise, surprise!
My face lost somewhere in the picture
With a family that's not mine
But let's just pretend

Pretend like I'm not lost
Like this doesn't hurt
I'm not scared, never!
But still it's unfair
To be born into my life

One I can't run from
I try to hide from
But it always finds me
Away from reality
Lost in a fiction, I wish to be my life

Maybe it would've been better
Or I would have been happier
But that's not the case
I'm like an orphan, broken
And maybe I should be grateful for this life

Foster parents
They might find me
Or maybe they already have
But my parents aren't dead
I'm living a life that definitely doesn't own a head

That's all I mutter
Mixed with a sound of silence
And a pain so familiar
A longing that can never leave

I need a cup
Filled with passion
Then maybe if I drink
Just a little
I'd feel human again

Take my hand
Throw me off a cliff
Still I won't die
I was born to dance with pain

And oh!
How pain dances so beautifully
But I so horribly
Forgive me if I fall off the edge.

Did I say I'll return when I'm happy? I got tired of waiting😂😭

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