CaLl mE cRaZy

63 23 13

She called me fire
I called myself bold
I haven't burnt in days
She never called me disrespectful
Then I burnt everytime
And she thought it was beautiful

I thought she was ruining me
She let me dance in the rain
And she let me dance for her too
She laughed at my recklessness
And called me crazy everytime
The days I wasn't burning
She'd remind me I was fire

I guess I'm fire anyways
When I wasn't burning
I was burning others
When I wasn't going mad
I was mad at someone
When I wasn't screaming, running around aimlessly
I was screaming at someone

She didn't have an issue with that
Maybe because she never saw me, like that
I coated my anger in boldness
Said I was defending myself
She was never against that, being bold
But she told me never to get angry so often

She called me crazy
And it lit that fire
I haven't been called crazy since then
The fire has been quenched
So call me crazy
I hate being dead inside
I've been suicidal for days, been crying for weeks
My only option to feel alive is anger
She'd hate that

Poet's Note
Just another friendly reminder to vote and comment, thanks.
                                                   Much love,

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