i'M nOt AlOnE

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Gone girl was playing
Just got off a call
Thinking of who else to call
I wanted someone to make me laugh
No one, as usual

The lyrics started becoming relatable
I started to sing along, staring at you in the eyes
Wishing I wasn't alone
Praying that you'd come home tonight
Lay with me for a while, you were my only friend

Tears streaming down my face
Oh, how I hate when I do this
I shouldn't even be here, I haven't healed
But this is home and it feels right
But you are home, so you must be here

Tried to make magic, poetry as usual
Scribbled down trash, I've finally lost it
Anger staring at me, calling me
But I didn't reply, I'm scared of how dangerous I'd be
With all these emotions I can't control

Reminiscing before falling asleep
Thinking of all the nightmares
And all the times I ran into your arms
Fast forward to when I thought I was a disturbance
And I stopped running to you
Now I wish I didn't do that, I wish I could run to you

Darkness, my oldest friend
Came visiting when I was stuck in a reality that once existed
You came to be with me, you finally did
But I, only a mortal
Frantic and confused, felt your presence and panicked
I guess you ran to me instead

Mama, you're not alone
She said to me
But I am definitely scared
It reminds me of the first day
When I felt pain in my heart at noon
And then your presence at night.

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