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Been there
Done that
Will go there again
I'm not scared, never

I'm a prude
I'm black and white
Real and fake
Too good, too bad

Play me
Like a piano
Too many wrong notes
You're horrible at this

Addicted, obsessed
With writing
And crying
I never ever rearrange

Put it out there
I'm not weak
It takes strength and courage
To let them see

The easy way out?
Keep it to myself
So they won't call me weak
I love risks

I love you
I love fun
I love solitude
I hate the pain

Let me be there for you
Like you were for me
You're not honest
I know it all, but I'm not going anywhere

Fall in love I say
With your body
Or with something
So you can stop it

Not with someone
Cause even if they change
You'll be stuck
Imprisonment is suicidal

Love doesn't fade
People do
They turn to monsters
I know you fell in love with an angel

So it all ends
But it never really does, does it?
It was never love
If you fell for what they did

Cause when they stop
You become a villain
You leave, you're selfish
You're blind, I'm crazy

Give them love
They need love
Everybody does
It's not only about you

But how will you know if they're broken
When they hide it
You'll know
When they try to fight it, and end up as Satan

I'm screaming
Give me a chance
Let me love on you
So you won't ever say, she took but never gave

It makes no sense
This poem, this life
This feeling, what you're doing to me
My opinions, my anger

It's like chess
Playing, players
Let's play each other
But at the end I'm the one they call the fool

We are not fools
I'm not a fool
We know what we are doing
It's like a silent agreement

You're gone, I'm gone
I've got a gun
I've gone mad
Give me what I want, or you'll be found dead

Dear friend,
Stay, don't go
You're rude, I'm emotional
I cry, but still I stay

Confuse me,
We are friends aren't we?
I don't care if your feelings change
It never did change anything

It's killing me, yes it is
Can't you see I miss you
Where'd you go, what changed?

I'm crying in the dark, in the rain
In my bathroom
When that song plays
Let's go back to when you made me smile, I'm suicidal

Break me, break me !
Until I can't take no more

Comments please, much love.

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