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It's past midnight
But I keep on
Tossing and turning
My mind is fully awake
But my body isn't

I'm seeing images
And it scares me
Bits and pieces of information
I can't quite place together
I feel like I'm drowning

Leaving the world I'm in
Seems so hard
I stop struggling
And the torture begins
It's feeding on my soul

All I can do is stare
And it bothers me
I see all my fears
Coming to life
But I can't scream

It feels so real
Or maybe it actually is
I see myself
I'm doing crazy things
Not my usual crazy

People are laughing
It gets me confused
I try to runaway
Then I meet my doom
I hate this reality

My body jerks
And my eyes fling open
I'm awake again
But the horror is still present
I start to lose my mind

I want to move
But I don't know how to
My brain refuses to think
But my body starts to shake
I want to end me

I see a light ahead
And I begin to follow
Then I see shadows
I want to be saved
And not possessed

Soon I go back to bed
And it happens again
I've lost peace in my sleep
And peace in reality
I'm going mad

I struggle to wake up
I spent more than three hours in torture
The time says “3:14”

Not everyone would understand this one, lol.

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