mY hEaRt Is DyInG

20 8 5

What if this isn't the remedy?
Being alone, trying to figure this out
What if I'm killing myself?
I don't know what I'm doing

I tried to stop running, tried to face this
I'm too bold to be this weak
But nothing is working
All I know is failing me

What if I need company?
Some laughter and someone to talk to
I got occupied, but I was wrong
Just tears, jealousy and arguments

So I ran back home
Seeing shadows, hearing voices
Walking in the streets at night
Hoping to get killed
I don't know where to go

He looked at me
With tears in his eyes, I saw the regret dancing in them
He asked me how I was, I said I was fine
But I'm alone and confused

It's his doing
I felt like killing him, but he's paying already
So I tried to comfort him
But he already gave up long ago

And I gave up yesterday
My heart is dying
Where's all the love I used to feel?
All I feel is anger, I hate this.

Please vote and comment, I'm literally on my knees. Much love.

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