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Is love a crime?
Cause I keep getting punished
Keep me hostage
Turn me into a prisoner

I saw in his eyes
What I thought was true
He was never mine
But I settled for less

Is trust stupidity?
Because I keep feeling like a fool
He knew all of me
But still broke me in half

Is it fun?
Lying to every female
Making her fall
Then shattering her heart

Is it funny?
Being two faced
An angel in private
And a devil in public

Does it make you feel better?
Being nice today
And rude the next
How do you do it?

Am a I friend with benefits?
Is that all I was
Too many questions
I might pass out

So everything was a lie?
All you told me were lies!
I can't comprehend it all
How did this happen?

Who are you?
You're satan
The boy I gave my heart to
And he broke it

Who are you?
The boy that was leading me on
And asking my friend out
That's who you are

Who are you?
You're a two faced flirt
That's not ready for relationships
But ready to break hearts

And who am I
I'm the girl
That was okay with being used
I'm your prey

I'm the girl you weren't dating
But you managed to break my heart
I'm the girl that realised when it was too late
That this is the game you play

But still I don't understand
We were okay as friends
And you lied to me
Made us more than friends

Only to break my heart?
Were they not other girls
Why did it have to be me
And why was I never enough for you?

You said it was just me
But you told her the exact words you told me
We were literally together
And you were lying to some other girl, why?

But I'm the fool
I didn't know what we were
But I let you under my skin
Oh Satan, you've finally led me to hell.

I'm still trying very hard to understand why most guys do this to girls. Why would you be close friends with a girl, then decide to play with her feelings. I get it if you're a flirt, but why would you pick a potential best friend to hurt?. Why would you deliberately hurt someone who trusts you, someone you know in and out. Why lead somebody on, when she was scared to let you in. Only to play her, and add her to the everlasting list of girls you hurt. If you did genuinely like her, then what were you looking for in someone else. Why is she not enough for you, what can the other girl give you that she can't?. Why do the exact same thing, she told you everybody else did to her. It doesn't make any sense, but I still can't help but wonder.
                                                   Much love,

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