i LoSt My MiNd

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There's no use falling asleep
Because you're always in my dreams
Pulling me to the edge
Without you, always alone
Why do you want to see me fall?

I found happiness
Without you, as always expected
What did you do to me?

I still don't understand you
Maybe not even myself

There's always someone else
I'm never enough, but you were enough for me

I found love now,
He makes me laugh
And does everything right

I found love then,
You made me cry
And did everything wrong

But I'm not the same
My heart is off my sleeve
I'm not naive, I'm getting selfish

I realized people like you always win
And I always lose
I want to win too, even if it's not against you
Just to know what it feel likes

I used to be too good
Treat people better than they did me
I gave you 77×7 chances
But I'm going to give him only three

But he deserves more, doesn't he?
Well I deserved better with you
But you gave better to her instead
What an irony

Let's take it slow
Might treat him better
I think I like him more
I'm starting to hate you now

"Stop the comparison"
There's nothing to compare though
You're were sweetheart, he is a sweetheart
But you're one without a heart

My heart is bigger than my brain
But since I gave it to you
And got left with the pieces
I'm starting to think properly again

I'm too young
To let love kill me
Love for the wrong person
Unreciprocated love

I deleted your number
But you're still everywhere on my social media
You called me
And I didn't feel like how I used to before

It's pathetic
Maybe now you know
That I didn't need you after all
I wanted you so bad, it felt like I did

I lost my mind
And I'm trying to find it
Maybe when I do
Just maybe, I'll be able to lose you too
Like an item you're starting to become.

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