wHaT iS lOvE?

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Maybe it is finding forgiveness
In every wrong
Never loosing hope
Creating excuses when there's none

Or is it simply stupidity?
Going back for the fire to burn you
Deep into your bones
After you've walked away

Or maybe it's obsession
Feeding on the little you can get
Or is it trust that was never earned?
And never agrees to break or bend

What is love?
If you can't let go
If being hurt still makes you stay
And trying to run, breaks you more

I thought it wasn't supposed to hurt
Maybe I thought wrong
Or maybe this isn't love after all
For it's feeding on my soul.

Ever had some particular friends, you can't seem to let go?. No matter how many excuses you give yourself, you still go right back?. It's like trying to quit a bad habit, it's hard. Even when they become toxic or make you feel like a nuisance, you're still there. Even when you write a thousand poems like me saying you're done, but you're actually not.
Have you ever or am I the only stupid one? lol. Please comment and vote, I love y'all.

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