aLl Of Me

24 8 12

I'm not sure if it's the way you make me feel
Or how you carry yourself with so much grace
Over and over again, you cast all my worries on your shoulders
And carry them with that beautiful smile

I'm not sure if it's the things you do for me
An embrace when I'm filthy
An audience, when I have none
Or your daily reminder that a good heart is gold

I'm not sure if it's the vacuum of a mother you've slowly filled
Or how you raise me up everytime, over the years
And still you willingly pick me up when I stumble and fall
Then help me walk again

Or is it
How I'm willing to give up a thousand years for you
To give you all of me, the me without the demons
My demons that you're too familiar with
What is it?

I don't know what it is
Or how you do it
But you're like a ray of sunshine, my ray of sunshine
But still you manage to shine all around

Oh, so many faces you light up everyday
I'd light yours up any day
You deserve the world, and so much more
For you keep giving the unloved, all of you.

For: DianeOnyanehi
I love you 4L.

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