Chapter 1.

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"It's total bull!" I claimed angrily, continuing my pacing in front of Lucas, a wide smile spread across his face, dark dimples forming as his eyes watched me.

"How bad could it be? This will be hilarious! I wonder who it is, he didn't say?" He questioned curiously, I shook my head.

"He said he would check in with me before he told them they needed a tutor," I shrugged, chewing at my bottom lip as I envisioned the faces in my maths class, who the fuck was failing so bad they needed a tutor?

"Hopefully they're hot," He winked, I shot him a glare.

"Seriously Luca?! I have to spend some of my studying time teaching someone else how to do fucking algebra!?" I protested angrily, wrapping my arms around my torso as I stopped to face him.

"Hey! You're the one who agreed to it," He shrugged in his defense.

"I didn't exactly have a choice, Luca. You know I can't say no.." I smiled sheepishly.

He was leaning backward on the couch, a book in his lap as he crossed his legs under him, his dark gaze on me.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a saint. You never know Oak, this could be the best thing that happened to you," He offered, trying to help. I shot him a look that clearly said, "You better be kidding." 

"Okay fine, it may not be how you want to spend your Monday and Wednesday nights, but you'd also benefit from it if you think about it," He shrugged, I paused. 
"I still can't believe he didn't tell you who it was. I also can't believe you didn't ask!" He protested in confusion, my cheeks flushed red.

"You know how I get around him, he's creepy, I just wanted to get out of there..." I mumbled. 

"Fair, he's a little too friendly," He shivered in agreement.
"But enough about him, are you going to the basketball practice? I'm telling you, they're all hot," He smirked, I scoffed.

"Gag." I plopped down into the chair in front of him, curling my legs up to my left.

"They would if you let them," He commented, my head snapped up in disgust, making him throw his head back in laughter.

"Lucas!" I protested, flustered and disgusted.

"What!? It's true. You have the best body on campus, you have to start believing it," He continued, my cheeks only growing redder.

"You cannot say that!" I protested, twirling my fingers in my skirt awkwardly. 

"Why not? It's the truth Oak. You know they all stare at you when you walk past, you're untouchable to them, only making them want you more," He explained casually, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a prize to be won," I snapped, crossing my arms.

"No, but you're the reason they get hard at night," He smirked, I shook my head quickly, jumping up. 

"Okay, I'm leaving," I called out as I made my way to the door, trying to escape the room quickly.

"Fine, run away from me, but you know I'm right!" He yelled after me before I shut the door, blowing out a sigh before I pushed myself off the wood.

I started my long walk to the library, navigating my way through the halls. 

The truth was, I never noticed the basketball team because I simply wasn't interested. The guys on the team were pigs, nothing more.  I've seen what happens when they "score" with a girl, it ends up all over social media, it's disgusting. Truth be told, I've never been interested in anyone. Ever. Well, apart from fictional characters, does that count? Probably not. 

Oaklyn.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora