I was so, so scared of the future. I didn't like the idea of having to wait for timelines that could end up in good or bad. And the world had a lot of bad to offer for sure.

Going to university was ringing in my head too. I didn't know if I wanted to go to Oxford. It wasn't because my whole bloodline had been there but because Bryce wasn't going to be anywhere near England. She's going to Yale and she's set on it. She wants to go and I want her to. I really do. But if you asked me that when we first let I wouldn't have cared. But now... now the thought of not being with her for four years was... depressing to say the least.

Then there was the whole make a whole income shit. Make money to survive. Make a title to rule.

Maybe I'm just overthinking. I'm only 19 right now and it shouldn't matter. But the fact that everyone I know got their lives together at such a young age and I still haven't sucks.

I only have my dream job and the person I love.

Where I want to stay? What I want to do after? That was all an open space yet to be filled. Here was Miles, married and running a business and 21. He's already having a child on the way. He's living my father's dreams.

I know Evan wasn't far from the stage either. Best bet is that he'd try something crazy and get married in Vegas.

"...Are you even paying attention to me?" Catherine snapped. I rested my head against the headrest and smiled.

"No. Not really."

"Well I was saying that if Bryce is alright?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to her. There was concern in her voice and now I was filled with it too. "Yeah. Why wouldn't she be?"

Now it was Catherine's turn to hold my expression. "Amelia didn't say anything about...?" I shook my head. "Oh."

"What happened." Miles pressed.

"I'm not exactly the best person to break news." She only said.

I let out an exhale and shut the radio off.

"Hey! I was listening."

"Tough shit." I muttered.

"I wonder what the dynamic of Bryce and your relationship is." Miles scoffed lightly.

"I could ask the same of you and your wife." I mused. "How young were you when you got the business?"

"I was nineteen." What the fuck? "Yeah. My dad was big on letting me manage it semi. And then at twenty I was plunged head first into it. It was hard but I do love my job."

"Damn." I mumbled stunned. "And then you got married the same year?"

He nodded moving his steering wheel to the right. "Why the sudden interest? Is the life choice phase problem?"

I pursed my lips and nodded. "Yeah. My dad always told me to have a life by twenty. I was always told to anchor myself at that age."

"Don't buy that shit. You do what you want, when you want. Just because I anchored myself doesn't mean you'll find your silver lining swiftly too. It's life, man, take the time with it." Miles said with a smile. "I know Cole pressures you. But you're so young Aaron. Don't be fooled into shit at this age. Or holding jobs. Your a kid. Stay one for as long as you can."

Always AaronWhere stories live. Discover now