Before anyone can react, Isla turns, her lids opening, and smiles, "you came." There's something in her voice, an innocent hope that I've not heard before, and I go to ask her what she means when a massive yellow-white wolf enters the clearing and stops directly in front of her.

I swallow deeply when I take in what must be Shay and note that he, like Griffin, is larger than the other wolves. But it's his eyes that cause my breath to catch. They're red, blood red. He's natural-born like Griffin... My jaw drops open when I watch him shift. The transition is mesmerizing, causing even Isla to pause as she watches the wolf become a very built and very naked man.

Bunny was not joking – there's NO little Shay... Damn, Loch Ness has finally been sighted!

"I knew," pause, "I knew you'd come," Isla repeats, shaking me from my inappropriate thoughts, and I move closer, noticing for the first time that her gaze is unfocused.

"Always," Shay replies, lifting from his crouch to stand just below her, "I go where you go. Always."

Isla grimaces and shakes her head, and I can see something wet trickle down her cheek. She's crying. "Finally," she sighs, "it's time."

"Isla." I jolt when I hear Shay call Isla by her name rather than Trouble. "I don't think," he shakes his head, "come down, and we can talk."

"No!" Isla all but shouts, anger flashing across her face before it disappears as she inhales, a serene look taking over. "She said to practice, and that's what I've done. I'm ready."

Not understanding what she is talking about, I can see that Griffin's moved slightly to the right, edging closer to the ledge. "Isla, come down, sister. It's not safe."

Obviously not interested in listening to her brother, Isla does a spin on the spot and lands it perfectly. Tilting her head, Isla grimaces and hiccups, the action causing her to wobble, almost losing her footing and causing Ava and myself to scream. "Please, Isla," Shay begs, "you aren't thinking clearly."

Now she really pauses, the tears flowing freely, a look of utter devastation showing on her face. "All I ever do is think. Do you think I want to be like this?" Isla cries, her hand going to her head, her pointer finger touching her temple. "He made me like this. I just want to be normal. I just want." Hiccup, "to see. To see me."

Oh my God. My heart bleeds for my sister. What the Hell did Viktor do to you? But it's Shay who answers. "Just come down. You can still dance."

"No," Isla shakes her head vehemently. "It needs to be here." Hiccup, "I've practiced."

Ignoring any words that are being said, Isla adjusts her watch and starts to move to the music. Still listening to the notes, I realize that the song has been playing on repeat, the instrumental changing to add one of the most beautiful female voices I have ever heard. The words are almost as heartbreaking as the music.

"Trouble, please," Shay pleads, his voice strained. The agony can be heard in Shay's tone. But all he can do is watch along with us as Isla becomes the song, her body one with the music.

My attention is split between Isla and Shay, who openly sheds tears, professing that he can see her. The others are also caught between fear and awe as they witness Isla spinning and flowing, her movements perfect and precise.

The grief emanating from her movements, combined with the song, causes me to stumble, almost losing my balance. There's so much pain in the air, even if not intentionally inflicted. Again, I gasp when she executes yet another spin, which should be impossible, but Isla's no longer thinking straight, and I suppose her true colors are beginning to emerge.

When the tempo changes, so does Isla. Her movements become more dramatic, stronger, and unquestionably more perilous.

She looks as if she's dancing on air, never pausing, never hesitating.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now