Forever HIS:::Chapter 27

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Chapter 28

Adina's POV

Where the hell am I? I remember being knocked out by that back stabbing teenager. And now I'm here. Wherever here is.

Where are they taking me? Who the hell are they? Last time I checked, I never met or angered a purple devil. What was the worst thing I could have done to them?

And most importantly, why did that innocent girl have glowing eyes? Where is she taking me? I cannot believe I didn't see the evil in those little eyes. But to be fair, I'm a terrible judge of character. I didn't see the asshole in Daniel. My supposed to be “mate”.

The person I was suppose to love and cherish, kissed another girl. Just a perfect way to end my senior prom. And to top that off, I got kidnapped.

Just Fantastic.

Who the hell is going to save me? My family had no idea where I was, I had no I idea where I was. And I also chose the asshole over them. I should of come running home when he didn't let my brother stay.

I should of, but I didn't. Why would they save me? I left them. I bet Trevor went back and told an unfair about me and Daniel.

Plus they didn't know where I was going. I was screwed. Where was I going? More importantly why do want me?

I've heard about these types of things. I was going to be sold as a slave, if I was lucky. God what the hell is going to happen?

Usually these slaves don't survive the until the age of 30. God was this going to be my life? Was no one going save me?

If no one was going to save me, then I would.

I tried to move but something held me back. Damn they tied me up. My kidnappers were smart asses.

Eye sight wasn't an option. What did I hear? I focused all my energy to my ears. God! How the hell was I suppose to hear with the roaring of the engines?

Wait, engines? This only lead to one conclusion. I was in a plane. Most likely a private jet, no commercial airlines was going to let a tied up girl on.

“Hello?” Of course I was tied up so it came out more like a muffled trumpet.

“God she's awake. Why couldn't she just stay asleep for like 10 minutes.”

“At least we don't have to carry a knocked out babe though the airport.” Airport? That meant we were going to land soon. Ten minutes to be exact. A plan was slowly forming. I was going to go all wolf on their smart asses.

My heart skipped a beat when a handzy ninja picking me up. I struggled the shit out of myself. Shit we already landed.

“I think that she can walk her self.”

“For that she would require sight.”

“Of course she will. Get those rags off. Now. She will be furious if her grand daughter comes in rags.” Grand daughter? I had no grand parents. All of them died.

I felt the handzy ninja put me down. And began to untie me.

When he finally untied my blind fold, I was surprised out of my mind. I was in a nice private jet. It was the kind of jet the president would go in.

“She is a babe. Are you sure she has a mate. Because I would happily take her off he's hands.”

“Shut up I'm right here.”

“And she's sassy.” He's babe remark was over the line, now this was just unacceptable.

I used my anger to help me shift, it wasn't hard I was already pissed. I heard the sickening cracks of my bones cracking and reshaping to my wolf form. They were screwed.

When I was finally on 4 legs I was ready to attack.

All the ninjas seemed to be dumbfounded, was it so surprising that I wanted to leave?

I charged though the rows of ninja's. My aim was the door.

Sammy was the first to escape the faze. Damn. She was a tough one.

“STOP THE SHAPE SHIFTER!” Shape Shifter? I was a wolf. Wasn't I? I had no idea what I was ever since I turned.

I ran for the door for my life. After all my life was on the line.

One think ultimately stopped my plans. The jump. I never even like those airplane stairs. How could I jump off a freaking plane?

“I got her!” Shit, that can't be good.

Where would I go if I jumped? I probably end up in a coffin, 6 feet under. But what was the alternative? Being a slave, until I die at the age of 29. Jump, or die. Or jump and die. Either way it was pretty clear I was going to die.

“Give up, your surrounded.” I turned around to see all my kidnappers. The mysterious purpled eyed ninjas slowly surrounded me, like I was a frighted animal. No pun intended.

“She's going to attack.” What? I wasn't attacking. Was I?

I looked down in horror. I was striking an attack pose. I was preparing to fighting, shit this wolf thing is freaky. I was ready to attack these ninjas. Shit, my wolf was bad ass. Good, I need someone to push me.

“Do not hurt her. The queen will have our head if she's hurt.” I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the one that was going to be hurt.


So sorry about the late upload! I was just so busy, stupid school. I promise to upload by friday!

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