Forever HIS::::Chapter 22

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Chapter 23

Adina's POV

Did it really take 20 minutes to pick out a damn pair of shoes?

“Black or Blue.” Clara asked for the tenth time, yes I counted.

“I don't know....Blue, it matches your dress.” I was getting impatient, well to be fair I wasn't really patient in the beginning either.

“Your right.....or maybe red would help make my dress to pop...” I stopped listening right there.

I really hated the girl code. 'The girl code was a rules we were never brake.' Emma and Anna keep insisting that these rules were real.

One of the rules is you always have to go shopping with a girl in distress. If you ask me it sounds fake, and it is supper sexist.

I desperately looked for a reason to leave, but it was hopeless she had a bullet prof system that always convinced me to stay just for 20 more minutes.

I looked around the dark colored room with fancy designs, just hoping for something interesting. But alas I couldn't find all but shirts and pants that cost way too much.

If I'm going to be in here for a little longer I will snap.....

“ADINA, are you even listening!-” “I was asking you if....”

“Yes those shoes are perfect! Can we leave?” Know I know how it fells like to be a yes man.

“No that wasn't what I was going to ask you....but thank you......I was going to ask if you knew the goth over there.” Clara in her little world of hers felt okay to point at anything that fantasied her. She pointed her long arm at a girl with red hair. Well it looked like red hair from here.

When I squinted I saw Sam or something. The one I meet at that Dinner. Well I actually bummed into her, but anyway....

Good something to do....

I got up to say hi or something, anything to get me out of this horrid store.

But she ran away from the shirts she was looking at once she saw me. Rude much?

“Guess she doesn't want to talk... anyway we can live now..” When I heard that I almost

jumped in joy and start singing 'Surviver'.

Sammy's POV

Damn it!

Why does she have to keep being protected?

Why can't I just snatch her and leave?

Why does she always have to have a such luck?

I need her, the queen is getting impatient. She never really had patience to begin with.

I need to get the Princess home.


Sorry for the wait, I got crazy busy....then lazy. My bad.

Any way I really noticed you guys are shy to comment. I need comments to improve my story! Leave a comment to say nice writing, or even leave me a comment saying I sucked. (Don't do that please..) Just say something!


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