Forever HIS:::Chapter 21

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Chapter 22

Daniel's POV

The moment I saw her, I wanted to get Nina out of here...It wasn't like I was scared of little girls, but this little girl scared me to death, something bad was going to happen but I didn't know when it was going to happen. It was like watching your own death in slow motion.

I don't really know why but I wanted to flee with Nina, somewhere far away from here.

The person in front of was barely the height of my shoulder. She looked as young as 15, but the seriousness on her face made her look like she was 20.

This girl in front of me had a deep tan she looked like she was from southern Asia, with had black hair with red high lights at the ends. She looked like she was having a horrible day, no horrible was an understatement...

She had a dirty Harry Potter shirt that by the looks of it was homemade. She had tattered jeans with holes in them, I didn't know if those were meant to be like that. If she didn't look like she would rip someones head off at any second I would feel sorry for her.

And the thing in her hand scared me even more than she did, a moon rock. Well I think it's a moon rock, I only saw pictures of it in books, but never in real life have I encountered with one...

Why did this chick have a moon rock? The moon rock was originally for witches to track any possible dangers, but later on it witches customized it to track strong werewolves.

Witches kind of had a bad history with werewolves...

Now a days the only people that had them were either werewolf trackers and really paranoid witches.

Which one was she?

A terrifying thought crossed my mind...What if she was sent by my parents? To track me down, maybe they found out that I found Adina, who knows? The people around here have a really big mouth.

I did have a dead line to meet. One of the reasons my parents sent me here was because I was getting a big head, and I couldn't find and keep a mate when I was a total Jerk. So they sent me here to find Adina, now that I found her I should go back.

Shouldn't I?

I really did hate life as a Prince, if you messed once that was it you were screwed. And the cameras really pissed me off. And now that I have a mate, I have to turn down all the girls that throw themselves on me. I mean I am totally cool with that, I have Adina now....but the palace girls are really crazy, once someone clipped some of my hair off.

Or maybe this girl was just an idiot Were hunter, I should stop worrying, If that was the case than I got this under control.

Either way I need to be alert

“Danny....what's wrong?” My angels voice pulled me out of my train of thought.

“No-nothing...So what do you want to eat?” I buried all thoughts of Hunters and Crazy chicks, and focused on my mate....

Adina's POV

I had no idea what set Daniel off about that little girl, she seemed to be nice....

But anyway once we satisfied our hunger, we headed back. I begged Danny to go though the forest.

Danny was as alert as ever, I didn't understand this attitude, and as usual I got scared of what I didn't understand.

“I can hear your heart beating away. What's wrong?” Wait werewolves can do that?

“Yes.” Can they read MINDS too?!

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