Forever HIS:::Chapter 19

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Chapter 20

Adina's POV

The room fell dangerously silent.

If nothing happened in the next few seconds, I was afraid that someone would explode. But I didn't who was going to explode first, Danny, Trev, or me; with the stare the girl next to Trev was giving me...

Everyone left the room, scared of Danny's murderous tone.

“WHO THE HELL IS HE?” Daniel screamed in frustration, finally breaking the silent stares.

I sighed in frustration, there was such a thing of being too protective. I looked to Trevor for help, but he was too busy with Danny in their starring contest.


“Danny he's my brother, I have 3 of them.” I sighed, gosh these people were hopeless.

“OOOOO” everyone said in unison, they were like a choir of stupid.

“ guys aren't dating or anything.” The mysterious girl asked, who was she?

I turned to her and really looked at her. She had pitch black prickly hair, it was like she hadn't combed it in a year. She wore torn clothing, kinda like goth cloth. They matched her hair. Either she was an extreme goth or she just didn't have cloth that didn't have holes in them.

“EW!” Trev barked like a dog. Right then I could see him the small child he always was, not wanting to eat he's vegetables.

I could feel Danny figure relax a little. He really had no reason to panic, I knew I was going to be with him no matter what. I was happy. My mind wondered into the fantasy it liked to live in, I imagine Danny and I on a gorgeous porch, years later, married, three children playing in the yard. Nothing could ruin my happiness now...


My guilty conscious whispered. Then there was that blocking my happiness...

If Danny freaked out when he saw another man looking at me, what would happen if I told him about Hunter?

He would blow a fuse.

“ listening to this?” Trev's out raged voice boomed.

“Wait...what?” I sounded like the dumb blond I always was.

“That's my Addie, with the short attention span.” Trev said with a humor-less voice, if you didn't listen too closely it would sound like he was insulting me.

Danny frame started to shake, oh no. Trev's stares didn't help.

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